[Solved] Java Calculator minus error

Take a look at your btMinusActionPerformed method: private void btMinusActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // minus button firstNumber = Float.parseFloat(calScreen.getText()); OP = “-“; numberClick += 1; if (!calScreen.getText().equals(“-“) && numberClick == 2){ btEqual.doClick(); } else { calScreen.setText(“-“); // <- What does this do? } } Then take a look at the btEqualActionPerformed method: private void btEqualActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) … Read more

[Solved] Declare two variables split by comma equals to?

It is first option long i; long b = get(); You would find it out faster by trying then asking on SO. It’s called operator ,. In this case both expressions are evaluated, but only second’s value is returned. int x = 5; while (–x, x > 0) { printf(“%d,”, x); } has output 4,3,2,1, … Read more

[Solved] derived class not needing some of the parent methods or attributes

I’m not quite sure what you are trying to do with this. But I think this will clear up the things for you. public class Course{ private String course = “CS101”; } public class FinishedCourse extends Course{ public void displayCourse(){ System.out.println(super.course); //compilation error. //You cannot access private variables even if it is in direct parent … Read more

[Solved] Analyze the following code, which exception does it display? (Exception handling, java)

The block: catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(“NumberFormatException”); } will catch all the exceptions, as the Exception class is the base class for all the exceptions. When you catch Exception, you catch all the exceptions that extend Exception, which, all the exceptions do. Hence it produces the error that RuntimeException has already been caught solved Analyze … Read more

[Solved] How to execute my code block by block?

Since ipython has already been discounted, I’m not sure this answer will be better. But I will tell you the two things that I do. I drop into the debugger at the point where I want to “try out” something, so the code will run up to that point, and then drop me into the … Read more

[Solved] Translate a string using a character map [closed]

The built-in function you seem to be looking for is str.translate: S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string Return a copy of the string S, where all characters occurring in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the remaining characters have been mapped through the given translation table, which must be a string of length 256 or None. … Read more

[Solved] i need help adding the leap year functionality into my python program [closed]

Roll-your-own parser code is silly. Python has batteries included for this: import datetime repeat = True datestr = raw_input(‘Enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY’) while repeat: try: # Parse to datetime, then convert to date since that’s all you use date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, ‘%m/%d/%Y’).date() except ValueError: pass # Handle bad dates in common code … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript MySQL injection prevention [closed]

For a start, JavaScript is code that a user can actually edit using DOM tools (like inspect element) and should never be used as a mechanism to security with Databases. You should firstly start to research about prepare statements in PDO if you’re using un-trusted user input; the bind paramtter in the PDO interface automatically … Read more

[Solved] do while loop not looping properly

You’re returning totalMonsterHealth in if(battleChoice ==’A’ || battleChoice == ‘a’) So when the user hits A or a it will exit the loop 2 solved do while loop not looping properly