[Solved] Analyze the following code, which exception does it display? (Exception handling, java)

The block: catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(“NumberFormatException”); } will catch all the exceptions, as the Exception class is the base class for all the exceptions. When you catch Exception, you catch all the exceptions that extend Exception, which, all the exceptions do. Hence it produces the error that RuntimeException has already been caught solved Analyze … Read more

[Solved] Java Array Search, on a value which i’snt inside the array Exception Error

Yes. For example, if you were trying to ‘catch’ an InvalidYearException, you would do something like this: try { // Your code (the code that will possibly cause an exception to be thrown) } catch(InvalidYearException exception) { // Your code (the code that will be executed when you ‘catch’ an InvalidYearException) // for example: System.out.println(“Error!” … Read more

[Solved] How to handle an exception without closing application? [closed]

How I went about in solving my issue: bool success = false; try { //try to send the message smtpmail.Send(message); success = true;//everything is good } catch (Exception err) { //error with sending the message errorMsg.Text = (“Unable to send mail at this time. Please try again later.”); //log the error errorLog.Log(err); //note errorLog is … Read more

[Solved] Exception in thread main error in array program

int arrayfirst[] [] ={{1,2,3},{2,3,4}}; int arraysecound[] [] ={{3,4,5},{6,7,8}}; here, arrayfirst and arraysecound contain two rows and three columns each (The number of inner curly braces separated by Comma signify number of rows, and the numbers written within these inner curly braces signify number of columns), so when you add their elements and try to store … Read more

[Solved] I keep getting Compile Errors on the Exceptions Handling Java code I am writing for class, can someone see what am I doing wrong? [closed]

Look at this code… May be it can help you… import java.util.InputMismatchException; //added the import import java.util.Scanner; // added the import class NumberHighException extends Exception { public NumberHighException() {} public NumberHighException(String str) { super(str); } public String toString() { return “NumberHighException”; } } class NumberLowException extends Exception { public NumberLowException() {} public NumberLowException(String str) { … Read more

[Solved] Unable to throw Exception, why? [closed]

We can throw Exception, provided we declare the method to throw the same Exception (throws Exception clause) or handle it (using try catch block) . Exception is a checked exception and these have to be handled but RuntimeException works because its unchecked Exception and for this we need not have a throws clause or handle … Read more

[Solved] Why ArrayIndexOutOfBound Exception can be caught in Java, but C++ program crashes instead? [duplicate]

Since you were asked this question in an interview, the interviewer was probably trying to gain some knowledge about your understanding of principles behind C++ design. In this case, the principle the interviewer was looking to discuss is that in C++ you don’t pay for things that you do not explicitly request. Although bounds checking … Read more

[Solved] Java, Exception kinda [closed]

To create an Exception in Java, you could do something like this: class GameException extends Exception { GameException() { super(); } GameException(String msg) { super(msg); } GameException(String msg, Throwable cause) { super(msg, cause); } GameException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } To use this Exception, you can do the following: if(!checkNumbers(num1, num2)) throw new GameException(); Where … Read more

[Solved] Extension method to throw new Exception

I believe this is what you’re looking for. The jist is, the compiler needs to verify statically that you’re returning something from every code path. Because you’re using this extension method, it’s not able to deduce the fact, and you’re getting the error: CS0161 ‘Foo()’: not all code paths return a value solved Extension method … Read more