[Solved] JavaScript MySQL injection prevention [closed]

For a start, JavaScript is code that a user can actually edit using DOM tools (like inspect element) and should never be used as a mechanism to security with Databases.

You should firstly start to research about prepare statements in PDO if you’re using un-trusted user input; the bind paramtter in the PDO interface automatically strips the HTML content out of the input.

You can also look at the preg_replace function inside of PHP. This can be used to do more unique and to-the-point strips and allows functionality like BB Code.

There are plenty of resources on stack over-flow which cover the security issues raised in this question and certainly solve each layer attack.

Source 1

Source 2

Also note, the attack you’re specifying is an XSS attack used to inject malicious JavaScript code. If you want to allow this code, never directly insert it to a global page (ie: comments that multiple users can see). Only allow the single user to view the code they put in. Otherwise, view the above sources for further information.


solved JavaScript MySQL injection prevention [closed]