[Solved] How close validation CSRF token in form?
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) { $resolver->setDefaults(array(‘csrf_protection’ => false)) } 2 solved How close validation CSRF token in form?
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) { $resolver->setDefaults(array(‘csrf_protection’ => false)) } 2 solved How close validation CSRF token in form?
You can make Main() method async as well and use WhenAll instead of WaitAll. And use just T() when assign Task to array item, there is no need to do it like that new Task(async () => await T()); static async Task Main() { var tasks = new Task<bool>[10]; for (int i = 0; i … Read more
You’re not “zeroing out” your total counter when moving on to the next average computation. This is a trivial problem that you would be able to solve if stepping through the code line by line. If you don’t practice this now, it’ll be incredibly difficult to solve more complex problems. Next question you ask, please … Read more
At First Post Your Code . Please follow How do you format date and time in Android Code for SimpleDateFormat . Just check the logic . SimpleDateFormat timeStampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“dd-yyyy-MM HHmm”); Date GetDate = new Date(); String DateStr = timeStampFormat.format(GetDate); Now replace – as . DateStr = DateStr.replace(“-“, “.”); solved Android – change Date … Read more
The if (sum == number) check needs to be done outside the loop. Otherwise you might pick up numbers such that the sum of a subset of divisors equals the number. In fact, 24 is one such example since 1+2+3+4+6+8=24. Your code prematurely concludes that 24 is perfect, despite it also being divisible by 12. … Read more
I think what you are describing could easily be modeled in a graph database. Then you get the benefit of navigating to the nodes/edges where you want to make changes without any need to retrieve anything else. For the JVM there’s the Neo4j open source graph database (where I’m part of the team). You can … Read more
I don’t really understood what you really want, but, here’s a solution to achieve your task when the page is loaded. So, when the page is loaded, we fetch all the divs containing the class nprotagonistas__bg and then randomly we’ll assign the class hover to only one of the divs. This will be done depending … Read more
Here are hundreds of ways to do this. I think one of the simplest ones is using list comprehension, like: ones = [1 for i in range(50)] 3 solved What are the possible ways to create a list containing 50 ones in python? [duplicate]
The modulo operator % is going to be your friend here. I don’t have a compiler in front of me and always mess up the range syntax but the below should illustrate the idea… for i in 0..<100 { let theItem = array[i % array.count] } solved Loop over a small array repeatedly to get … Read more
Add this in your functions.php to add Dashboard link in your admin bar add_action( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘toolbar_second_dashboard_link’, 999 ); function toolbar_second_dashboard_link( $wp_admin_bar ) { $args = array( ‘id’ => ‘second-dashboard-link’, ‘title’ => ‘Dashboard’, ‘href’ => ‘mysite.com/wp-admin/’, ‘meta’ => array( ‘class’ => ‘my-toolbar-page’ ) ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node( $args ); } Result – http://joxi.ru/Y2Lz1yOt9GKd9r solved how to move dashboard … Read more
Since we’re sorting by StartDate and EndDate, we should be able to use the minimum of this and all future start dates and the maximum of this and all past end dates. This is just one more step beyond what Bert Wagner published. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #OverlappingDateRanges; CREATE TABLE #OverlappingDateRanges (StartDate date, EndDate date); … Read more
If your problem is entry, then use one of the many fiddle tools available. jqfiddle has an html, css and a jquery part you can fill in. It should support all the basic examples you need, and also some advanced. But since we are talking “entry level” then this should suffice to show what you … Read more
It’s an algorithm to count the number of bits set to one without branching. It is described here: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html solved Complex c code, I need any one to explain how it is work? [closed]
It was a problem with maven project update ,I hadn’t update my project after installing plugins so i couldn’t access even eclipse marketplace anymore. After correcting that, I change the version in hibernate configure file wizard from 5.3 into 4.3 and I was able to get the hibernate.config.xml in my main repository. Hope I can … Read more
Function declaration is not matched with function definition. Declaration: int ERPSGame(); Definition int ERPSGame(int argc, const char *argv[]) In Dev-C++, under Tools -> Compiler Options, put “-Wall” in the “…commands when calling compiler” box. It will be helpful for you to get warnings and do effective coding and saves your time too. 3 solved Im … Read more