[Solved] Why is a function not awaited as a promise?

Taking a guess here but it looks like you want to promis-ify the Voice.onSpeechResults callback. Have your MicButton function return a promise that resolves with the result you want export const MicButton = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Voice.start(‘en-US’) Voice.onSpeechResults = (res) => { resolve(res.value[0]) } Voice.onSpeechError = reject }).finally(() => { Voice.removeAllListeners() … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t promisify want the argument for the callback function?

I mean opA is a function, so why not opA()? Because opA is a reference to the function itself. The promise will use that reference to execute that function at a later time. Alternatively, opA() executes the function (without any arguments) now and passes the result of that function call to the promise. Since your … Read more

[Solved] C# async and await keywords not working as expected with property getter [duplicate]

When the compiler encounters await keyword it will automatically schedule a task in task scheduler. The operation waits (in a non-blocking manner) for the task to complete before continue to do the rest of the code block. To make your code run in parallel you need to modify it into public async Task GetDistance() { … Read more

[Solved] Reactjs Async content render documentation [closed]

What you should do is to create a state that will contain the data from database, and you need to fill the state when “componentDidMount” or “useEffect” if you are using react Hooks. react documentation of componentDidMount: React componentDidMount short example of what I meant: import React, {useEffect, useState} from ‘react’ const exampleApp = ()=>{ … Read more

[Solved] Seeking feedback on my design of LINQ expressions [closed]

You’re comparing apples and oranges. Each of the approaches you list has benefits and drawbacks, so it’s impossible to answer which is the “preferred way.” Likewise, many of these examples will return immediately because they use deferred execution, so they’ll technically run faster, but won’t actually make your program run any faster. But if you’re … Read more

[Solved] Order in Promise/Async/Await (Interview Question)

First I would explain that nobody should ever rely on precise timing between two separate promise chains. They run independently of one another and as soon as you insert any real world asynchronous operations in either of those promise chains (which all real-world programming would contain), then the timing of each chain is entirely unpredictable … Read more

[Solved] Call async code in an Action in C# [duplicate]

You need to mark your action as async just like you would any method, for example: Action action = async delegate() //snip However, this is equivalent to an async void method which is not recommended. Instead you many consider using Func<Task> instead of action: Func<Task> doStuff = async delegate() { using (var client = new … Read more

[Solved] how to wait for user to click then console log variable

your code is not triggering event by clicking, and you should pass argument result in resolve let onlyBtn = document.getElementById(“onlyButton”); let result; async function realMain() { await step().then((res) => { console.log(res); }); } async function step() { return new Promise((resolve) => { onlyBtn.addEventListener(“click”, function () { result = “nice”; resolve(result); }); }); } realMain(); <div> … Read more

[Solved] Async Functions

The reason your code doesn’t work is that you never call the async function you’ve created. However, there isn’t any reason to make an inner async function; just make the one you already have async: export const setSearchField = text => async (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: REQUEST_GIFS_PENDING }); try { const response = await … Read more

[Solved] How to confirm for JavaScript asynchronous calls? [closed]

an async function without an await expression will run synchronously. If there is an await expression inside the function body, however, the async function will always complete asynchronously. Yes, everything in the async function will run synchronously until await is encountered. Examples: async function withoutAwait() { console.log(‘without await’) } async function withAwait() { await 0 … Read more

[Solved] How can i get result from export module using async/await

Return a promise from your config.js file. mongodb client supports promises directly, just do not pass the callback parameter and use then. config.js module.exports = (app) => { const mongo_client = require(‘mongodb’).MongoClient; const assert = require(‘assert’); const url=”mongodb://localhost:27017″; const db_name=”portfolio”; return mongo_client.connect(url).then(client => { assert.equal(null, err); console.log(‘Connection Successfully to Mongo’); return client.db(db_name); }); }; And … Read more