[Solved] Conversion of large .csv file to .prn (around 3.5 GB) in Ubuntu using bash

It’s not clear from your question as you didn’t provide sample input/output we could test against but it SOUNDS like all you’re trying to do is this: $ cat tst.awk BEGIN { split(“7 10 15 12 4″,w) FPAT=”[^,]*|\”[^\”]*\”” } { gsub(/””/,RS) for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { gsub(/”/,””,$i) gsub(RS,”\””,$i) printf “<%-*s>”, w[i], substr($i,1,w[i]) } print “” } $ … Read more

[Solved] Compressing a string PHP [closed]

function line_encoding($e){ $s = preg_split(“//”,$e); $s[-1] = “”; $o = 1; $f = “”; for($c=0;$c<strlen($e);$c++){ if($s[$c]==$s[$c-1]){ $o++; }else{ $f .= $o==1?$s[$c-1]:($o.$s[$c-1]); $o=1; } } return $f; } Check if this works 7 solved Compressing a string PHP [closed]

[Solved] Where constants are stored in memory?

Constants are stored in various places: Constants may be stored in a designated section of memory that is marked read-only for the program. In general-purpose systems, this is not ROM. ROM is physically read-only memory. ROM is typically used in special-purpose systems where the software is set prior to manufacturing the hardware (or at least … Read more

[Solved] Myqli php login [duplicate]

You should have a database name for mysqli_connect. So, go like this: $connect=mysqli_connect(‘localhost’,’root’,”,’databse_name’); and why are you using __mysqli_ston for?Use this instead $query = mysqli_query($connect, “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=”$username””); Do not use __mysqli_ston. This should work.If doesn’t work,get back to me. solved Myqli php login [duplicate]

[Solved] inaccessible due to its protection level C# [duplicate]

“Protection Level” refers to the accessibility of a particular class member to contexts outside of that class. The types of protection level available in C# are private, protected, internal, protected internal, and public. Protection level is specified when you write the class. See below: class Class1 { private int privInt; protected int protInt; public int … Read more

[Solved] Convert Timestamp(Nanoseconds format) to datetime [closed]

You should be using = to assign values and not : You can do like this. import datetime example_timestamp = int(‘1629617204525776950’) timestamp_to_date_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(example_timestamp/1000000000).strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f’) print(timestamp_to_date_time) 2021-08-22 07:26:44,525777 solved Convert Timestamp(Nanoseconds format) to datetime [closed]

[Solved] how to do multiply-all function in RACKET

For the simplest solution, use apply for this: (define (multiply-all lst) (apply * lst)) If you need to build the procedure from scratch, just remember that the base case (an empty list) should return 1, and the recursive step should multiply the current value using the standard solution template, like this: (define (multiply-all lst) (if … Read more

[Solved] Function to read csv string

Here’s how to do what you say you want. Your description of the desired “table” output is somewhat vague, so I made my best guess. def get_rows(data): rows = [] for line in data.splitlines(): fields = line.split(‘,’) if not any(field == ‘NULL’ for field in fields): # Not defective row. rows.append(fields) return rows csv_string = … Read more

[Solved] Display alert if checkbox isn’t checked on button click [closed]

You need to capture the click event of your button and then check whether the checkbox is clicked or not. If not, you can send the alert and return false (be sure to do this otherwise the form will be submitted anyway). $(‘#reset’).click(function () { if (!$(‘#confirm’).is(‘:checked’)) { alert(‘not checked’); return false; } }); jsFiddle … Read more