[Solved] how to do multiply-all function in RACKET

For the simplest solution, use apply for this:

(define (multiply-all lst)
  (apply * lst))

If you need to build the procedure from scratch, just remember that the base case (an empty list) should return 1, and the recursive step should multiply the current value using the standard solution template, like this:

(define (multiply-all lst)
  (if (empty? lst)
      (* (first lst)
         (multiply-all (rest lst)))))

For a nicer answer, you can try using tail recursion:

(define (multiply-all lst)
  (let loop ([lst lst] [acc 1])
    (if (empty? lst)
        (loop (rest lst) (* (first lst) acc)))))

Anyway the procedures work as expected:

(multiply-all '())
=> 1
(multiply-all '(3 5 4))
=> 60


solved how to do multiply-all function in RACKET