[Solved] Grep text between patterns using bash [closed]

Sed can do it as follows: sed -n ‘/^======/{:a;N;/\n——/!ba;/score +/p}’ infile ====== Ann Smith score + —— where -n prevents printing, and /^======/ { # If the pattern space starts with “======” :a # Label to branch to N # Append next line to pattern space /\n——/!ba # If we don’t match “——“, branch to … Read more

[Solved] How can I manipulate text in bash? [closed]

With awk: awk ‘BEGIN{FS=”[ ,]”; OFS=”,”} {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) print $i,$1}’ file Output: foo,ted bar,ted zoo,ted ket,john ben,john See: 8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR solved How can I manipulate text in bash? [closed]

[Solved] to understatnd substr on awk [closed]

This code converts the standard -rwxrwxrwx style of permissions generated by ls -l into octal numbers that could be used with chmod, and prepends them onto each line. For example, it would make the following conversions: -rwxr-xr– 7 5 4 -rwx-wx— 7 3 0 Note that this awk script does NOT support sticky or setuid … Read more

[Solved] Some troubles with using sed and awk [closed]

From what we can discern of this question, you’re attempting to create a programmatic rule to rename files ending in extensions stdout-captured, stderr-captured, and status-captured (assuming one typo) into files ending in extensions stdout-expected, stderr-expected, and status-expected, respectively. Obviously, if each of these definitions is inclusive of exactly one file, a rote mv may be … Read more

[Solved] Use awk to find letters and print results [closed]

I think you are looking for this: awk ‘/^[JM]/{print $1,$2}’ i_ve_got_an_vi_edirtor_with_some_collums.file update Now i need the same but only for students that the surname starts from [A-D] awk ‘$2~/^[A-D]/{print $1,$2}’ i_ve_got_an_vi_edirtor_with_some_collums.file 16 solved Use awk to find letters and print results [closed]