[Solved] Java: Combining the inputs of a while loop

Here is the code together with some comments. import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; //import java.util.Scanner; public class Ingredients { public static void main(String [] args)throws IOException{ BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); //or Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); int ingredientID=0; int sumOfIngredients=0; System.out.println(“Keep selecting the ingrients that you want until … Read more

[Solved] The for while statement won’t repeat

Can u try this ? I added to logical solution to code.I changed only starting game and ending game properties’s lines. public class ChoHan { public static void main(String[] args) { final int MAX_ROUNDS = 5; String player1Name; String player2Name; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); char repeat; do { System.out.println(” Enter the first player name … Read more

[Solved] Why does Math.floor(Math.random()) function always return “0”?

This line almost always return 0 and that is why it does not get into the while. var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()); Math.random() return float values lower than 1 starting from 0 … and with Math.floor you are getting the int part which indeed is 0 1 solved Why does Math.floor(Math.random()) function always return “0”?

[Solved] Program keeps returning Segmentation Fault [closed]

(1) isalpha(argv[1]) is wrong. This function expects a single character, but you are passing a pointer-to-string. That will certainly not give you any kind of expected result, and it’s probably Undefined Behaviour into the bargain. You either need to loop and check each character, use a more high-level library function to check the entire string, … Read more

[Solved] What is the purpose of a do-while loop? [duplicate]

Consider the following: while(condition){ myFunction(); } and do{ myFunction(); }while(condition); The second form executes myFunction() at least once then checks the condition! To do so with a while loop you’ve to write: myFunction(); while(condition){ myFunction(); } solved What is the purpose of a do-while loop? [duplicate]

[Solved] Python While loop not ending when variable changes [closed]

I read you say that your variable is changing, but where? Two things: you’ve got to change the variable you’re checking AND you have to change that condition test, that while loop condition is True when the variable var[5] is different than ‘left’ or different that ‘right’ (if it’s “left”, then it’s different than ‘right’ … Read more

[Solved] While Loop in php not working properly [closed]

Your loop isn’t printing anything to the page. It’s setting values to variables. And it’s over-writing those variable every time. So when the loop is done, only the last values are still set. Then you just echo that last value. Once. Instead, echo the output inside the loop so you can have one element of … Read more

[Solved] How do I add ‘if’ commands inside a ‘why’ loop [closed]

It is because the if statement is not indented properly and its condition is not specified as a string ‘help’: while 1: userCommand = input(‘Type a command (type \’help\’ for syntax): ‘) if userCommand == ‘help’: print (‘flight: this command will be used to list a flight’) break solved How do I add ‘if’ commands … Read more