[Solved] R subset based on range of dates [closed]

Are you asking something like the following? Let’s say your initial dataframe is df, which is the following: df A B C 1 2016-02-16 2016-03-21 2016-01-01 2 2016-07-07 2016-06-17 2016-01-31 3 2016-05-19 2016-09-10 2016-03-01 4 2016-01-14 2016-08-21 2016-04-01 5 2016-09-02 2016-06-15 2016-05-01 6 2016-05-09 2016-07-17 2016-05-31 7 2016-06-13 2016-06-23 2016-07-01 8 2016-09-17 2016-03-11 2016-07-31 9 … Read more

[Solved] Algorithm for all subsets of Array

You can build a backtracking based solution to formulate all the possible sub-sequence for the given array. Sharing an ideone link for the same: https://ideone.com/V0gCDX all = [] def gen(A, idx = 0, cur = []): if idx >= len(A): if len(cur): all.append(cur) return gen(A, idx + 1, list(cur)) incl = list(cur) incl.append(A[idx]) gen(A, idx … Read more

[Solved] Longest monotonic subsequence algorithm NOT longest increasing algorithm

try this one: import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; public class Rozwiazanie { public static void main(String[] args) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String[] splittedLinia = br.readLine().split((char) 32 + “”);//moglaby byc ” ” ale tak na wszelki wypadek nie ma chuja zeby sie popierdolilo teraz nawet na linuxie int aktualnyWyraz = Integer.parseInt(splittedLinia[0]);//uwaga jakby … Read more

[Solved] Python dictionary subset

Update: for multiple dictionaries Iterate over your dictionaries and for every one of them, check if the value of ‘mesic’ is in [6,7,8] and if so, get the corresponding dictionary values: d1 = {‘stat’: u’AS’, ‘vyska’: 3.72, ‘stanice’: u’AQW00061705′, ‘mesic’: 8, ‘teplotaC’: 26.88} d2 = {‘stat’: u’AS’, ‘vyska’: 3.72, ‘stanice’: u’AQW00061705′, ‘mesic’: 1, ‘teplotaC’: 26.88} … Read more

[Solved] What does subset(df, !duplicated(x)) do?

The duplicated function traverses its argument(s) sequentially and returns TRUE if there has been a prior value identical to the current value. It is a generic function, so it has a default definition (for vectors) but also a definition for other classes, such as objects of the data.frame class. The subset function treats expressions passed … Read more

[Solved] Subset all rows by group by type

I would use indexing # save all the “transactions” where iteamtype equals “a” to an object called F f <- df[ df$itemType %in% “a” , “transaction” ] #optional (look as f) print(f) print( unique(f)) # Subset to all the rows which equals one of the “transactions” stored in the object f df[ df$transaction %in% unique( … Read more

[Solved] Given a positive integer N as input, how do I find the product of the numbers in their subsets?

Well, there is a very easy and naive recursive solution to retrieving all subsets. You take away one element from your set, then find all subsets for this new, smaller set. Then you copy the result and add the element you previously removed to the copy. Add the results together and you’re done. For example: … Read more

[Solved] Subset in R producing na [closed]

This is a workaround, a response to your #2 Looking at your code, there is a much easier way of subsetting data. Try this. Check if this solves your issue. library(dplyr) active<- clinic %>% filter(Days.since.injury.physio>20, Days.since.injury.physio<35, Days.since.injury.F.U.1>27, Days.since.injury.F.U.1<63 ) dplyr does wonders when it comes to subsetting and manipulation of data. The %>% symbol chains … Read more