[Solved] a is a numerical vector and b is logical. what is suma[b] [closed]

In R, a vector (a in your question) can be subset with a logical index vector (b in your question). If the corresponding members are TRUE in the logical vector, the elements (of a) are retained.

a = c (3, 4, 7, 8)

#[1] 3 4

a[b] will retain only the first two elements of a because only those values are TRUE in b. When you sum 3 and 4, it is 7

If you give the “[” function a vector which is shorter than the vector being subset, you may get results that are surprising (and no warnings will appear):

a[ b[1:3] ]
[1] 3 4 8 # the fourth item in `a` appears because the logical vector is "recycled"


solved a is a numerical vector and b is logical. what is suma[b] [closed]