[Solved] Python, A string split into many pieces. How many pieces are in there?

You could get the length of the list of items after splitting: len(my_long_string.split(‘;’)) Alternatively, count the number of semicolons and add one: my_long_string.count(‘;’) + 1 The latter is probably faster if you don’t need to know what the items are, but only how many items there are. len is a function that returns the number … Read more

[Solved] Splitting a String which has longitude and latitude points

If we can guarantee that the String to parse is always defined in a canonical way, so that is defined as lat+long ALWAYS, then using regex will be the easiest way: Example: String latLong = “lat/lng: (55.94569390835889,-3.190410055779333)”; Pattern patte = Pattern.compile(“-?[0-9]+(?:.[0-9]+)?”); Matcher matcher = patte.matcher(latLong); while (matcher.find()) { System.out.println(Double.parseDouble(matcher.group())); } solved Splitting a String which … Read more

[Solved] Splitting of words Dynamically in c# [duplicate]

You can go with regex in here like this: Regex rgxData = new Regex(“([0-9 ]+)([a-zA-Z]+)”); Match mData = rgxData.Match(input); string sr = mData.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); string quota = mData.Groups[2].Value.Trim(); This will result in: input = “153 81 2612GEN”; SR: 153 81 2612 Quota: GEN input = “153 81 1 1 1 1 1 1 ABCDE”; SR: 153 … Read more

[Solved] C# Split String before the first number

you can use the following Regex To extract no from your string string input =”Example123456.csv”; input = Regex.Replace(input, “[^0-9]+”, string.Empty); the output will be 123456 solved C# Split String before the first number

[Solved] Objective C: split text between brackets

You can solve this problem using a regular expression and NSRegularExpression. Construct a pattern which matches the text between brackets. For example the pattern @”\\[([^]]*)]” matches an opening bracket \\[ – the backslash is required to treat the bracket as a literal character, zero or more characters except a closing bracket [^]]*, groups that text … Read more

[Solved] Split a string into parts

I assume that your expected output is bye see you.If I understood correctly then following methods can be used to get the desired output: In this string splits into an array(splits()) with delimiter ” ” and find index of bye (j)and you(k) in the array then using a for loop to get strings in the … Read more

[Solved] Split array into subarray java

This should work. As mentioned in the comments. a is not a string but an array. So you need to iterate over it to call the split() method on it’s containing strings String s = “How are you?” String[] a = s.split(“\\s”); for(String s2 : a){ String[] a2 = s2.split(“”); // do your stuff with … Read more

[Solved] How to split a string in scala?

Scala string split method uses regular expression, { is a special character in regular expression which is used for quantifying matched patterns. If you want to treat it as literal, you need to escape the character with , \\{: val s = “””word, {“..Json Structure…”}””” // s: String = word, {“..Json Structure…”} s.split(“, \\{“) // … Read more