[Solved] Which of the following arithmetic expressions is identical to the expression a += b * c [closed]

A. x += y is just shorthand for x = x + y, the compiler always expands it out as such https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sa7629ew.aspx B. C# isn’t like math where you can rearrange an equation as you wish. As such, you can’t have an expression such as a+b on the lefthand side of an assignment, which is … Read more

[Solved] Android: Division and subtraction always equal 1.0

You are reading the value from display1 twice, you forgot to change the reading of number2 to display2. Replace: number2 = Double.valueOf(display1.getText().toString()); with number2 = Double.valueOf(display2.getText().toString()); Your function would end up being: if(minu){ number1 = Double.valueOf(display1.getText().toString()); number2 = Double.valueOf(display2.getText().toString()); display1.setText(“”); display2.setText(“”); displaySymbol.setText(“”); answer = number1 – number2; display1.setText(Double.toString(answer)); } 0 solved Android: Division and subtraction … Read more