[Solved] why Android studio slow loading every time
Use the Genymotion emulator instead of the default one. solved why Android studio slow loading every time
Use the Genymotion emulator instead of the default one. solved why Android studio slow loading every time
This is just a manifestation of data locality. It takes less time to look at something at the next page of a book than something at the 800th next page. Try for yourself at home. 2 solved Dereferencing iterators performance
Any decent compiler will not penalize you for which ever version you use. As you can see, all the loops boil down to the same code, with maybe one instruction reordered. Go for the one that is most readable and clearly conveys what you want to do. If you are interested in what happens at … Read more
An object lookup will on average be much faster when trying to find a random element, especially when you are searching through a large number of items. This is because the underlying algorithm to do so is a B-tree search which has a time complexity of O(log n) and allows it to quickly look up … Read more
In C#, what does a call to Sort with two parameters in brackets mean? You have this line of code: nodes.Sort((x, y) => distances[x] – distances[y]); You are not passing two parameters to the sort method but you are passing one parameter which is a delegate that takes 2 parameters. You are essentially doing the … Read more
If you look here: How are arrays passed? Arrays are passed as pointers already, and your implementation of std::swap (which you called “exchange”) is already passing by reference. So that is not an issue in your case. Has your professor complained about your program execution speed? 2 solved How can I make my program faster? … Read more
You should almost always use an algorithm like std::count_if if one is available. The reason is that the compiler vendor can put optimizations in that are not portable if you were to put them in manually in your own loop. For example there are intrinsic functions that could be CPU specific that speed up even … Read more
include <time.h> include <stdio.h> int main(){ clock_t start = clock(); // Execuatable code clock_t stop = clock(); double elapsed = (double)(stop – start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf(“Time elapsed in ms: %f”, elapsed); } 3 solved how to show time performance for merge sort? [closed]
You’re comparing apples and oranges. Each of the approaches you list has benefits and drawbacks, so it’s impossible to answer which is the “preferred way.” Likewise, many of these examples will return immediately because they use deferred execution, so they’ll technically run faster, but won’t actually make your program run any faster. But if you’re … Read more
You are testing it in two different environments. To make it a fair test, I decided to test it in similar environments (same host, 2GHz AMD A10-6800K processor as reported by cat /proc/cpuinfo): Javascrtipt – using node binary version 0.10.25 on Linux executed from bash prompt. Results were consistent around 83ms. I had to remove … Read more
This May Help You ValueAnimator colorAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(**myView**, “backgroundColor”, Color.RED, Color.BLUE); colorAnim.setDuration(3000); colorAnim.setEvaluator(new ArgbEvaluator()); colorAnim.setRepeatCount(ValueAnimator.INFINITE); colorAnim.setRepeatMode(ValueAnimator.REVERSE); colorAnim.start(); Where myView is the view on which you want to apply Animation 2 solved Background color change (every second a slight change) [closed]
Generally it’s an awful way to write code, and does not guarantee that it will be any faster. Things which are simple and fast in one language can be complex and slow in another. You’re better off either learning how to write fast Python code or learning C++ directly than fighting with a translator and … Read more
I’m sure the difference is negligible, if there is any. If the difference is important to you, you should probably use a faster (likely compiled) language. You would do better optimizing more intensive things, like databases first (and writing clean code, as @Tim stated). solved Micro-optimizations: if($var){ … } vs if($var): … endif [closed]
Check the MySQL slow query log to identify which query(ies) are causing the delay, then run EXPLAIN on them to see which (if any) indexes are being used. If you see that indexes are not being used, consider adding indexes to relevant columns. Such columns would be those used in WHERE and JOIN clauses. For … Read more
For Python you could go with Frontera by Scrapinghub https://github.com/scrapinghub/frontera https://github.com/scrapinghub/frontera/blob/distributed/docs/source/topics/distributed-architecture.rst They’re the same guys that make Scrapy. There’s also Apache Nutch which is a much older project. http://nutch.apache.org/ 1 solved How to build a powerful crawler like google’s? [closed]