[Solved] Why is it faster to print to the javascript console than printing to C++ console? [closed]

You are testing it in two different environments. To make it a fair test, I decided to test it in similar environments (same host, 2GHz AMD A10-6800K processor as reported by cat /proc/cpuinfo): Javascrtipt – using node binary version 0.10.25 on Linux executed from bash prompt. Results were consistent around 83ms. I had to remove … Read more

[Solved] Drawing the letter “M” in the console using C#

check out the .Net Fiddle link below, this is a general solution for any letter or letters, I forked it to work with letters as the original author designed it to work with images, try with the variables M, 100 https://dotnetfiddle.net/DEY9il output would be somthing like the below:- Enter the letter?M Enter Line Character Amount100 … Read more

[Solved] How to create simple command line UI like the debian installer? [duplicate]

There is also the whiptail command, if you only want to write a shell script (as the debian installer is). There is a good page of it in the Bash Shell Scripting Book on WikiBooks: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Bash_Shell_Scripting/Whiptail solved How to create simple command line UI like the debian installer? [duplicate]

[Solved] Weird issue in Console app

Ehem. I tried running the code at my HTPC, a different computer from the one I coded this on, and now I cannot reproduce the problem. That is, I do observe the burst leading to just a step, but that is due to a logical error in my code (when the report interval is reached … Read more

[Solved] Console window disappear immediately

You need to add the following line after your code: Console.ReadKey(); This will prevent the console from executing the next line until you press any key. In your case, it will simply finish running the code. 1 solved Console window disappear immediately

[Solved] C# Arrays in List printing to console in formatted way [closed]

Simplest solution if all arrays have same length: string rowFormat = “{0,15}|{1,3} {2,3}”; Console.WriteLine(rowFormat, “History”, “B”, “W”); Console.WriteLine(new String(‘=’, 25)); for(int i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine(rowFormat, array1[i], array2[i], array3[i]); But I would suggest to use custom type for your data instead of keeping data in three arrays. E.g. (names according to your … Read more

[Solved] C# Console Create simple app not longer than 2 lines

One way to do is use a ternary operator inside another ternary operator. It does the job in two lines. var input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine((input == “1”) ? (“2”) : (input == “2” ? “1” : “Enter 1 or 2”)); 2 solved C# Console Create simple app not longer than 2 lines