[Solved] Java program. How do I loop my “isLucky” method through my array? Also, how do I print my results correctly in the main method?

Your compiler error, ‘else’ without ‘if’ is because you have something like this: if(isOkay) doSomething(); andThenDoSomethingElse(); else doAnotherThing(); andEvenSomethingElse(); And you must put each block in curly braces, like this: if(isOkay) { doSomething(); andThenDoSomethingElse(); } else { doAnotherThing(); andEvenSomethingElse(); } I strongly recommend using curly braces in all ifs (and whiles and fors and everything … Read more

[Solved] How to get every String from an ArrayList [closed]

Use this code for your problem: in the other method public String convertToString(ArrayList<String> al) { String str =”” ; for(int i=0; i<al.size;i++){str+=al.get(i)+” “;} return str; } If i understand your query correctly then this is the solution 0 solved How to get every String from an ArrayList [closed]

[Solved] Having Trouble in a Java Assignment Finding the Maximum Value from a Loop [closed]

if(major.equals(“CIS”)) CIS_total=gpa+gpa; if(major.equals(“Math”)) Math_total=gpa+gpa; should be if(major.equals(“CIS”)) CIS_total += gpa; if(major.equals(“Math”)) Math_total += gpa; And don’t calculate the average in the loop. Do it after the loop. 3 solved Having Trouble in a Java Assignment Finding the Maximum Value from a Loop [closed]

[Solved] Repit function and auto increment

I’m sorry, I’m having trouble understanding your question. Do you just want to constantly rotate through the images you provide? Check out the fiddle below. http://jsfiddle.net/denniswaltermartinez/f8mVj/ function slider(id) { id = id || 0; var n_image = $(‘[class^=”img_”]’).length; if (n_image < id) id -= n_image; setTimeout(function () { $(‘img:not(.img_’+ id +’)’).fadeOut(‘slow’); $(‘.img_’ + id).fadeIn(‘slow’, function … Read more

[Solved] How do I compare mathematical operations between values in two columns of an R data frame based on their position?

We get the index of column names that start with ‘pd’ (nm1). Loop through those columns with lapply, match each column with the ‘nom’ column to get the row index. Using ifelse, we change the NA elements with the column values and the rest of the values from the ‘ID’ column. nm1 <- grep(‘^pd’, names(df1)) … Read more

[Solved] can someone please point me in the right direction

You don’t store the input numbers, if you only want to print them in the end it is sufficient to store them in a string numbers += ” ” + Integer.toString(number);. The whole main would then look something like that: public static void main(String[] args) { int mstop; int number; int sum; int mcounter; String … Read more

[Solved] Setting up a Loop [closed]

Some pseudocode : Set salesA, salesB, salesC = 0 While choice != ‘Z’ Begin Initials = InputString Number = InputNumber If string[0] == ‘A’ Then salesA += Number Else If string[0] == ‘B’ Then salesB += Number Else If string[0] == ‘C’ Then salesC += Number End Print salesA, salesB and salesC 1 solved Setting … Read more

[Solved] Python – selectively add up values while iterating through dictionary of dictionaries [closed]

my_dict = {key1:{value1:value2}, key2:{value3:value4}, key3{value5:value6}, key4:{value7:value8}…} result = [] for key1 in my_dict: if sum(my_dict[key1].keys() + my_dict[key1].values())==3: result[key1] = my_dict[key1].keys()[0] Hope this helps solved Python – selectively add up values while iterating through dictionary of dictionaries [closed]

[Solved] Error with a references C++

The localtime function is not thread-safe and more importantly not reentrant. The pointer it return is most likely a pointer to an internal static buffer. This means that each localtime call returns the very same pointer to the very same “buffer” (structure). In fact, if you read the linked reference, the buffer (structure) can be … Read more

[Solved] how to print char in multiple times in c++

The easiest way is probably #include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main (){ int a=2; while(a<=6){ cout<< a << std::string((a/2),’*’) <<endl; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a+=2; } return 0; } 0 solved how to print char in multiple times in c++