To learn more about text processing in Python3 I recommend training on codingame.com. def removeDuplicates(inp): output =”” lastCharacter=”” for character in inp: output+=character*(character!=lastCharacter) lastCharacter=character return output inpTest =”AAABBCCDDAA” print(removeDuplicates(inpTest)) ABCDA 0 solved HOW TO REMOVE DUPLICATES IN A ROW IN PYTHON [closed]

[Solved] Code: How can I go over a list of numbers and print the number of consecutive increases in Python? [closed]

There are 4 things I’d like to mention. Here’s some code and its output: def srk_func(words): current = [] lastc = [] for x in words: if len(current) == 0: current.append(int(x)) elif len(current) == 1: if current[0] < int(x): current.append(int(x)) else: if len(current) >= len(lastc): lastc = current current[:] = [] current.append(int(x)) elif len(current) >= … Read more

[Solved] Python count list and types [closed]

newlist = [] for sublist in yourlist: already_in_list = False for index, newsublist in enumerate(newlist): if sublist == newsublist[:-1]: newlist[index][2] += 1 already_in_list = True if not already_in_list: newlist.append(sublist+[1]) – >>>newlist [[‘personA’, ‘banana’, 1], [‘personB’, ‘banana’, 2], [‘personA’, ‘grape’, 1], [‘personA’, ‘lemon’, 2]] solved Python count list and types [closed]

[Solved] How to map two lists in python? [closed]

You can do this with map function as well, but if with loop, here’s your answer. We have to concatenate the first elements of all three list, second with second and third with third. So make a loop going from zero to len(<any_list>) [because all three list have same len] and concatenate all three. Your … Read more

[Solved] How can I create a list from a to z, and A to Z [duplicate]

You can use the string module, with string.ascii_uppercase and string.ascii_lowercase. If you type: import string string.ascii_uppercase You get: ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ If you type: string.ascii_lowercase You’ll get the same result, but in lowercase. To solve your problem you can do: import string upper_case = list(string.ascii_uppercase) lower_case = list(string.ascii_lowercase) upper_case and lower_case will be both lists ranging from … Read more

[Solved] Get access to the elements of a list in R [closed]

as.numeric(res$mean) Will do the job. As per your comment, so Forecast is the actual forecast and it is not always just the mean. Consider the following example using a data set taken from here library(forecast) births <- scan(“http://robjhyndman.com/tsdldata/data/nybirths.dat”) birthstimeseries <- ts(births, frequency=12, start=c(1946,1)) fit <- auto.arima(birthstimeseries) res <- forecast(fit, 12) plot(res) As you can see … Read more

[Solved] regex multiple string match in a python list

Here’s a solution using regex if that’s what you really need. I search to see if any of your 3 substrings are present inside any given string from the list. Using https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html as the Python regex library. import re for word in wordList: m = re.search(‘.*(ra|dec|lat).*’, word) if m: <youve matched here> solved regex multiple … Read more

[Solved] Combine multiple paired data frames from two lists

Given the explanation of your problem, the following may work: # get all overlapping names bindNames <- intersect(names(ww), names(dd03)) # get a list of rbinded data.frames, keeping unique observations newList <- lapply(bindNames, function(i) unique(rbind(ww[[i]], dd03[[i]]))) If at this point, you want to append all of your data.frames into a single data.frame, you can once again … Read more

[Solved] What are the differences between ArrayList and ArrayMap?

ArrayMap keeps its mappings in an array data structure — an integer array of hash codes for each item, and an Object array of the key -> value pairs. Where ArrayList is a List. Resizable-array implementation of the List interface. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements, including null. FYI ArrayMap is a … Read more