[Solved] Find duplicate number in array and print the last duplicate number only [closed]

Simple way is iterate and compare it. like below, I hope it may solve your problem int[] a = {1,2,2,3,4,3,5,5,7}; String b = “”; int count=0; for(int i = 0; i<a.length;i++){ for(int j=0; j<a.length;j++){ if(a[i]==a[j]){ count++; } } if(count>1){ count=0; b = String.valueOf(a[i]); }else{ count = 0; } } System.out.println(“last duplicate value : ” + … Read more

[Solved] Java: Finding duplicate in array [closed]

Try this. do{ System.out.print(“Please enter an integer or -1 to stop: “); input=Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine()); boolean flag = true; for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++){ if(A[i].equals(input)) { System.out.println(“Duplicate input. Please enter another value: “); flag = false; break; } } if(!flag) { continue; } if(input != -1) //if input is Display.userInput(input); } while(input != -1); 1 solved Java: Finding … Read more


To learn more about text processing in Python3 I recommend training on codingame.com. def removeDuplicates(inp): output =”” lastCharacter=”” for character in inp: output+=character*(character!=lastCharacter) lastCharacter=character return output inpTest =”AAABBCCDDAA” print(removeDuplicates(inpTest)) ABCDA 0 solved HOW TO REMOVE DUPLICATES IN A ROW IN PYTHON [closed]

[Solved] How to interleavedly duplicate an array in php?

Looks like a reasonably simple reduction (using array_reduce()) $x = array_reduce($x, function($arr, $val) { array_push($arr, $val, $val); return $arr; }, []); Demo ~ https://3v4l.org/eNH8a Just realised that “reduction” sounds a bit funny since we’re making the array bigger. Think of it more as a transformation. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduce_(parallel_pattern) 2 solved How to interleavedly duplicate an array … Read more

[Solved] Deleting Duplicates EXCEL VBA Macro

This should work for you: Sub DeleteDuplicates() Dim lRow As Long Dim i, j, k As Integer Dim Duplicates() As Integer Dim sht As Worksheet Dim Val1, Val2 As String Set sht = Worksheets(“Sheet1”) lRow = sht.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Index = 0 For i = 7 To lRow Val1 = sht.Cells(i, 1).Value Index = 0 For … Read more

[Solved] Remove duplicate phrases [closed]

Try this. static String removeDuplicatePhrase(String s1, String s2) { s1 = s1.trim(); s2 = s2.trim(); List<String> list1 = List.of(s1.split(“\\s+”)); List<String> list2 = List.of(s2.split(“\\s+”)); int size1 = list1.size(), size2 = list2.size(); int i = Math.min(size1, size2); for (; i > 0; –i) if (list1.subList(size1 – i, size1).equals(list2.subList(0, i))) break; return String.join(” “, list1) + ” ” … Read more

[Solved] Remove duplicates and combine multiple lists into one?

Create a empty array push the index 0 from childs arrays and join to convert all values to a string separate by space . var your_input_data = [ [“hello”,”hi”, “jel”], [“good”], [“good2″,”lo”], [“good3″,”lt”,”ahhahah”], [“rep”, “nice”,”gr8″, “job”] ]; var myprint = [] for(var i in your_input_data){ myprint.push(your_input_data[i][0]); } console.log(myprint.join(‘ ‘)) 2 solved Remove duplicates and combine … Read more

[Solved] Remove duplicate on multiple columns keep newest [closed]

In R, using dplyr: data %>% group_by(Name, CoordinateX, CoordinateY) %>% arrange(desc(Date)) %>% distinct() %>% ungroup() Give the output: Name Date CoordinateX CoordinateY Aaa 2018-08-29 650000 134999 Bbb 2010-08-29 650000 134999 Bbb 2010-08-29 655600 134999 Ccc 2010-08-29 655600 134999 solved Remove duplicate on multiple columns keep newest [closed]

[Solved] Isolate a non duplicate of a chain separated by “,” from another longer chain in VBA [closed]

This function will work for you Function ReturnUnique(cell1 As Range, cell2 As Range) As String ReturnUnique = “” Dim v1 As Variant, v2 As Variant v1 = Split(cell1.Value, “,”) v2 = Split(cell2.Value, “,”) Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim bool As Boolean For i = LBound(v1, 1) To UBound(v1, 1) bool = True … Read more

[Solved] C Check duplicate string entries

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(void){ char str[]= “/proc/proc hello/foo 4000”; char path[256]; char pid[10]; char *p; p=strrchr(str, ‘ ‘); strcpy(pid, p+1); *p=’\0’; strcpy(path, str); printf(“%s\n”, path);// /proc/proc hello/foo printf(“%s\n”, pid);// 4000 return 0; } 2 solved C Check duplicate string entries