[Solved] How to subtract two inputs with each another

<input id=”total” type=”text”> <input id=”v1″ type=”text”> <input id=”v2″ type=”text”> <button type=”button” onclick=”update()”>Update</button> <script> function update() { var total = parseInt(document.getElementById(“total”).value, 10); var value1 = parseInt(document.getElementById(“v1”).value, 10); var value2 = parseInt(document.getElementById(“v2”).value, 10); document.getElementById(“total”).value = total – (value1 + value2); } </script> Working example: https://jsfiddle.net/md9ebo00/5/ I would not suggest using onchange=”update” as an attribute for the two … Read more

[Solved] Ajax too slow – Recursion

You are recursing and you shouldn’t be using this form of nested setInterval. Doing this, will cause an explosion of interval instances. Instead of using setInterval, schedule additional requests using setTimeout. setInterval will fire and continue firing every interval until you tell it to stop. setTimeout will fire once. Let’s consider the following code which … Read more

(Solved) Java permutation algorithm

Your question is of mathematics nature – combinations and permutations. You are actually asking the number of possible permutation for string length 7. The formula is factorial(numOfchar). In this case 7! = 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 = 5040. public static void main(String[] args) { String str = “ABCDEFH”; System.out.println(“Number of permutations for ” + str + ” is … Read more

(Solved) Need to combine these two javascripts

You can’t create two variables with the same name, or two functions with the same name – not in the same scope, anyway. But you can combine the bodies of your two loaded() functions into a single function. (Or you can rename them loaded1 and loaded2 and call them individually, but I wouldn’t do that.) … Read more

(Solved) How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?

Preliminaries JavaScript has only one data type which can contain multiple values: Object. An Array is a special form of object. (Plain) Objects have the form {key: value, key: value, …} Arrays have the form [value, value, …] Both arrays and objects expose a key -> value structure. Keys in an array must be numeric, … Read more

(Solved) How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?

ECMAScript 6 introduced String.prototype.includes: const string = “foo”; const substring = “oo”; console.log(string.includes(substring)); // true includes doesn’t have Internet Explorer support, though. In ECMAScript 5 or older environments, use String.prototype.indexOf, which returns -1 when a substring cannot be found: var string = “foo”; var substring = “oo”; console.log(string.indexOf(substring) !== -1); // true 6 solved How to check whether … Read more