[Solved] What would be the best way to sort events according to its date

First you need to convert it to an array: var events = Object.keys(obj).map((key) => { return Object.assign({}, obj[key], {eventName: key}); }); Then you need to group them by date. We can do this with lodash. var groupBy = require(‘lodash/collection/groupBy’); var eventsWithDay = events.map((event) => { return Object.assign({}, event, {day: new Date(event.date).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)) }); … Read more

[Solved] convert this php code to javascript – strpos, str_replace, substr [closed]

Use the search() method of the string object – it returns the position of the match, or -1 if no match is found var position = -1, oldFlipBookThumb; var str=”<?php echo $video[“thumbs’][‘master’];?>’; if(str.search(“/thumbs_old/” != -1){ position = str.search(“.flv”); } if(position != -1){ oldFlipBookThumb = str.replace(str.substring(position, Number(position) + 4), ‘.flv’); } I could be mistaken, but … Read more

[Solved] How to insert an array into a nested JavaScript Object

We can use map, filter reduce for this, it’s slightly tricky but the same principle applies: const data = { periods: [ { decisions: [ { bank: { name: “Team1” }, bSPositionDecisions: [ { totalInputRate: 1.0, positionValue: 12, balanceSheetPosition: { name: “asset_bc_lombard_a_onsight”, category: “LOMBARD_LOANS”, type: “ASSET” } }, { totalInputRate: 2.0, positionValue: 10, balanceSheetPosition: { … Read more

[Solved] Use a span tag to change div background-color onclick [closed]

Using vanilla JavaScript (no libraries): //We attach a click handler on the nearest common parent. //This allows us to have only one event handler, which is better //For performance! document.getElementById(“parent”).onclick = function(e) { //We only want events on the spans, so let’s check that! if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == “span”) { this.style.backgroundColor = “#BADA55”; //This is for … Read more

[Solved] How do i display images from MySQL database in a JavaScript image slider?

Here is a very basic Slideshow-from-PHP application. It can easily be modified or built upon. Image names (file_name) are pulled from the database, then pushed into a JavaScript array of image src values. Make sure you also specify the images directory (where the images are actually stored) to match your own. A simple image preloader … Read more

[Solved] *SOLVED* How to execute a function after a button is clicked? [closed]

When the interpreter runs the line .innerHTML=”LIVES: ” + removeLives();, removeLives will be called, resulting in lives being decremented and the new content there being lower. Put that line inside the click handler instead, and initially populate the lives div via the HTML. Also, either use an inline handler in the HTML or .onclick in … Read more

[Solved] args and up? javasript

To do this, you can use slice on the array (assuming it’s an array — using {} is for objects, which isn’t valid for this). args = [“!say”, “pineapples”, “are”, “cool!”] // As an array console.log(args.slice(1)); // To string console.log(args.slice(1).join(” “)); solved args and up? javasript

[Solved] Jquery : Drag two elements in one

If I understand you correctly, yes, it is possible. You can use the custom drag(); method there. Example : $(.class).drag().drag(); as it is chainable. Take a look at this fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/ubEqb/58/ Hope it helps. 2 solved Jquery : Drag two elements in one

[Solved] Two if statements?

Yes you can, but you can also use AND operator : if(true && true){} else{} //Will go in the if if(true && false){} else{} //Will go in the else If you want multiple if : if(true){ if(true){} }else{ if(true){ }else if(true){ } } Note that if you do a nested if : if(true){ if(false){} }else{ … Read more

[Solved] jQuery .each() function – Which method is optimized? [closed]

I’d use map(), because it’s there for this very purpose (no need for temp array) var textLinks = $(“a”).map(function(){ return $.trim($(this).text()); }); Edit: If I was looking for the fastest solution I’d start with ditching jQuery 😉 var textLinks = (Array.prototype.slice.call(document.links)).map(function(a){ return a.textContent || a.innerText }) Or if you’re concerned about browsers without Array.map use … Read more

[Solved] Quick and efficient permutations with max length

Vocabulary lesson: these are actually combinations, not permutations. With permutations, a different order is a different permutations. Also, what you want technically isn’t all combinations, as there is the empty combination [] and it seems you don’t want that included. Anyway, here’s something I whipped up. function getCombinations(array) { let combinations = []; for (let … Read more

[Solved] Display other field onchange

Try this HTML <select id=”cboCountry”> <option value=”USA”>USA</option> <option value=”OTHERS”>OTHERS</option> </select> <select id=”cboState” name=”cboState”> <option value=”Alabama”>Alabama</option> </select> <input type=”text” id=”txtcboState” name=”cboState” style=”display:none;”/> JS $(“#cboCountry”).change(function() { if ( $(this).val() == “OTHERS”) { $(“#cboState”).hide(); $(“#txtcboState”).show(); } else{ $(“#cboState”).show(); $(“#txtcboState”).hide(); } }); Note: ID Must be unique for each element. To remove The name attribute of input, you can … Read more