[Solved] How can I get this text layout algorithm to properly scale the text to “font size” option (text made with SVG paths)? [closed]

Introduction When it comes to creating text with SVG paths, it can be difficult to get the text to properly scale to the desired font size. Fortunately, there are a few algorithms that can help you achieve the desired text layout. In this article, we will discuss how to use these algorithms to properly scale … Read more

[Solved] React jQuery(this) selector is not working

this points to React component instance and not the input element. You can achieve this using event.target class LoginReg extends Component { render() { function minimizeLabel(event){ $(event.target).closest(“.Reg-fields”).css(“border-bottom”, “2px solid #f99”); $(event.target).closest(“label”).css(“top”, “-15px”).css(“font-size”, “.7em”).css(“transition”, “.3s ease-out”); } return ( <div> <div className=”custom-container”> <div className=”Reg-fields”> <input type=”email” onClick={minimizeLabel}/> <label>Email</label> </div> </div> ); } 1 solved React jQuery(this) … Read more

[Solved] how to we can remove a component React from the DOM using componentWillUnmount() method? [closed]

“When can I use the following method in my React code? componentWillUnmount()”: We want to set up a timer whenever the Clock is rendered to the DOM for the first time. This is called “mounting” in React. We also want to clear that timer whenever the DOM produced by the Clock is removed. This is … Read more

[Solved] Disabling the back button and refresh button using reactjs [closed]

You need to use state variables to enable and disable button. Look in below enable if you click reset or reload it will toggle class App extends React.Component{ state = { isResetDisable: false, isReloadDisable: false, } handleButtonPress(token){ console.log(token+” “+”pressed”) } render(){ return( <div> <div> <a onClick={()=>this.setState({isResetDisable: !this.state.isResetDisable})}> Click Reset lable to toggle button </a> <input … Read more

[Solved] convert Decimal to signed 2’s compliment and vice versa in vanilla javascript

Check this out may it will help you. (function(){ var ConvertBase = function (num) { return { from : function (baseFrom) { return { to : function (baseTo) { return parseInt(num, baseFrom).toString(baseTo); } }; } }; }; // binary to decimal ConvertBase.bin2dec = function (num) { return ConvertBase(num).from(2).to(10); }; // binary to hexadecimal ConvertBase.bin2hex = … Read more

[Solved] How to get count values from nested array of objects in react [closed]

const data = [ { id:4, name:’sam’,stats:[{id:1, partnerId:4, applicatiions:4, drafts:5},{id:2, partnerId:4, applicatiions:1, drafts:2}]}, { id:5, name:’kam’,stats:[{id:1, partnerId:5, applicatiions:2, drafts:3}]}, { id:6, name:’jam’,stats:[]}, { id:7, name:’ram’,stats:[{id:1, partnerId:7, applicatiions:9, drafts:5},{id:2, partnerId:7, applicatiions:2, drafts:5}]} ] const items = data.map(item=> {return {…item, applicatiions: item.stats.reduce((partialSum, stat) => partialSum + stat.applicatiions ,0), drafts: item.stats.reduce((partialSum, stat) => partialSum + stat.drafts ,0)}}); console.log(items.map(({stats, … Read more

[Solved] Is there a “Best Practices” on designing an application written both in React and React-Native?

Generally, you can share a lot of business logic between react native and web applications. By business logic, I basically mean the logic in your app that aren’t components. Trying to share components is pretty hard, since the base level components are different (View vs div, etc), and you generally want things structured pretty differently … Read more

[Solved] How to remove price zeros? [closed]

The issue with your code is the condition, it processes all digits in reverse until the first non-zero character, without limit. You could keep a loop counter and not iterate more than 6 times; a for-loop with appropriate exit condition would work here. Though you don’t need to make it this complicated. Two simple methods: … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript Split array into multiple arrays inside [duplicate]

You could take an array of the wanted ids and an object which stores the index for the result set for a same group. var data = [{ candidateConfigId: “1”, value: “199128700790” }, { candidateConfigId: “2”, value: “Yujith” }, { candidateConfigId: “3”, value: “Male” }, { candidateConfigId: “4”, value: “SE” }, { candidateConfigId: “5”, value: … Read more

[Solved] How to prevent users like the comment multiple times like “facebook or youtube like/dislike systems”? [closed]

If you want to show the users who liked/disliked a post (or a comment), you will have to insert a new row along with the user-id for each like/dislike. And regarding the multiple-likes problem, you will have to check whether or not there is a row with the same user-id and comment-ids as the ones … Read more

[Solved] what is good reactjs development ide?

You should try vim-jsx plug-in in vim editor for reactjs. Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX. You can also use Visual Studio Code with reactjs extensions which will give you help in syntax highlighting. solved what is good reactjs development ide?

[Solved] functional component to class component

You should be able to use a functional component regardless of really understanding how they work, but converting functional components is fairly trivial if you understand react state/props/lifecycle. Basic steps: Convert all state hooks to single state object and update all state update functions to now use this.setState with the correct state to be merged. … Read more