[Solved] Javascript add value if checkbox is checked

Solution that changes based on checkbox state: var chap7 = document.getElementById(‘chap7’), post = document.getElementById(‘post’), printed = document.getElementById(‘printed’); printed.addEventListener(‘change’, function() { var quantity = parseInt(chap7.value, 10); post.value = printed.checked ? quantity * 3.5 : quantity; }, false); chap7.addEventListener(‘change’, function() { post.value = parseInt(this.value, 10); }); <p> <label for=”hours”>Learn JavaScript the Hardy Way’ – Complete e-book (Printed)</label> … Read more

[Solved] Can’t listen my new button with javascript [closed]

Event listeners are attached to DOM elements on page load. You either need to reattach this one or you can listen for click events on the document that target your button. $(document).on(‘click’, ‘#element-empty’, function() { $(this).addClass(‘myClass’); }); 3 solved Can’t listen my new button with javascript [closed]

[Solved] return string in javascript

Edit2 is not declared outside the gettext function. Try this: function gettext(Edit, Edit2) { document.test.Edit2.value = document.test.Edit.value; return document.test.Edit2.value; } var userWord = gettext(<param1>, <param2>); 4 solved return string in javascript

[Solved] Regex to return all attributes of a web page that starts by a specific value

A regular expression would likely look like this: /http:\/\/example\.com\/api\/v3\?\S+/g Make sure to escape each / and ? with a backslash. \S+ yields all subsequent non-space characters. You can also try [^\s”]+ instead of \S if you also want to exclude quote marks. In my experience, though, regexes are usually slower than working on already parsed … Read more

[Solved] will the app store reject my app if I use a javascript sdk for the backend? [closed]

They shouldn’t know anything about your back-end web service. Sounds like you are talking about making a hybird app though, which is also fine (and is technically a client). There are a ton of hybrid frameworks out there: Ionic, Cordova, Cocoon, PhoneGap, apparently Trigger.io, etc. They wouldn’t be useful if app stores rejected them. 2 … Read more

[Solved] Can I use jquery to operate the name attribute of tag?

Classes are our friend – forget trying to use a name attribute – this is not the correct use for that. What you want to do is add a class and then alter the display based on the class: //HTML <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39331241/a.jsp” class=”group1″>aa</a> <a href=”b.jsp” class=”group2″ >bb</a> <a href=”c.jsp” class=”group1″>cc</a> <a href=”d.jsp” class=”group2″>dd</a> <a href=”e.jsp” … Read more

[Solved] Javascript Regex Conditional

Here’s a solution which uses non-capturing groups (?:stuff) which I prefer so I don’t have to dig through the result groups to find the string I’m interested in. (?:#)(?:[\w\d]+-)?([\w\d]+) First it throws out the # character, then throws out the stuff up to and including the – character, if it is there, then groups the … Read more

[Solved] Why is this programming style not used? [closed]

I think this style is not used, because the best practice is to split up code into small functions/classes/methods anyway. This way, the variable count in each scope is reduced without using scoping blocks. Unlike other languages, like Rust, where scoping has immediate consequences on memory allocation, I don’t see a huge benefit in JavaScript … Read more

[Solved] How can I retrieve data from two different const and put it in a for [closed]

You can create a method getObjByKey to find in the provided arr array the object that contains key property and use Destructuring assignment the get the value Code: const getObjByKey = (key, arr) => arr.find((obj) => Object.entries(obj).find(([k, v]) => key === k)); Then you can do: const { data2 } = getObjByKey(‘data2’, date1); const { … Read more

[Solved] how to sent request to discord bot API? [closed]

I assume you’ll find what you are looking for here: https://discord.com/developers/docs/getting-started#overview I’ve included some of the info below. Also pay attention to rate limiting as api keys can be revoked if you step outside the guidelines. Post could have been improved with more details of exactly what you want. Have you checked the docs and … Read more

[Solved] Compare dates as strings in typescript

You can convert it to a date and then compare them: function convertDate(d) { var parts = d.split(“https://stackoverflow.com/”); return new Date(parts[1], parts[0]); } var start = convertDate(’05/2014′); var end = convertDate(’05/2018′); alert(start < end); 2 solved Compare dates as strings in typescript

[Solved] Populate a text box based on a dynamic drop down box in php

Add the rating to your HTML using a data attribute: <select name=”JournalID” id=”JournalID”> <?php for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($journals); $i++) { print “<option value=\”” . $journals[$i][1] . “\” data-rating=\”” . $journals[$i][2] . “\”>” . $journals[$i][0] . “</option>\r\n”; } ?> </select> Then you can access this using jQuery .data(): (function($) { $(function() { $(“#JournalID”).on(‘change’, function() … Read more

[Solved] Javascript object in array

You can proceed like this: var products = {a:”b”, c:”d”, e:”f”}; var arrList = []; for(var key in products) { // iterates over products key (e.g: a,c,e) arrList.push([key, products[key]]); }; solved Javascript object in array