[Solved] Java Change Date Format [duplicate]

Date objects don’t have a format. Formatting can only be applied when you display them as a strings. A Date object simply stores all the info about the date (day, month, year, time, etc). When displaying that data, it is displayed as a string, and that is when it makes sense to arrange the data … Read more

[Solved] Serilization in Java [closed]

It’s Marker Interface and just like an normal interface. with no methods. public class Paging implements Serializable{ } And somewhere else Runtime realizes objects like if (Paging instanceof Serializable) { // Hey this object is able to serialize..lets go furthur } else { // Dear programmer , your class not implemented Serializable } solved Serilization … Read more

[Solved] I created a recycler view nd its not working please suggest some solution

Binary XML file line #8: Error inflating class android.support.v7.app.RecycleListView Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn’t find class “android.support.v7.app.RecycleListView Your layout file is faulty and you should replace the faulty reference to android.support.v7.app.RecycleListView with android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView 2 solved I created a recycler view nd its not working please suggest some solution

[Solved] What is the name of this component?

The Component you are asking about is called ViewPager . See the working example of ViewPager . There are many libraries made for App Introduction , link of one of them is below , Please check . https://github.com/HeinrichReimer/material-intro?utm_source=android-arsenal.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=3206 solved What is the name of this component?

[Solved] Comparing two list of objects and forming a new list by comparing one property of two list in java 8 [closed]

You want intersection of the list while saving of first list type. Get the common field values in the Set. valuesToCheck=secondList.stream().map(SecondListObject::commonFiled).collect(Collectors.toList); ”’ Apply a stream on the first while filtering based on the matching common field value in the set built in the previous step. firstList.stream().filter(x->valuesToCheck.contains(x.getCommonFiled)).collect(toList) You got the gist. 1 solved Comparing two list … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t String.split(“:”) work correctly?

You have a problem in this part: if(hour.startsWith(“0”)) { tTime = hour.split(“0”); if(tTime.length > 0) hour = tTime[0]; else hour = “0”; } So if your input is “08:15”, hour value is “08”. Now when you split it using delimiter “0”, you get an array { “”, “8” }. So, now tTime[0] is “”. Use … Read more

[Solved] Java: Merge code [closed]

You write out the commands that perform each operation one at a time, then you put them all within one method. — update to give fictional example — public void updateUserAgeByName(String name, int age) { User user = fetchUserByName(name); user.setAge(age); updateUser(user); } another example could be public void updateUserByName(String name, User newValues) { User user … Read more

[Solved] What test cases might give the wrong result for the following code?

Does the following code have a different result: if(array==null || array.length == 0) System.out.println(“NO SOLUTION”); double s=0; for(int x: array) s+=x; int avg = (int)(s/array.length); if(avg == s/array.length) System.out.println(avg); else System.out.println(“NO SOLUTION”); 1 solved What test cases might give the wrong result for the following code?