[Solved] How does operator precedence affect order of evaluation?

Thus in a C++ program that is made up of value computations exclusively the evaluation order would entirely be dictated by operator precedence and associtivity. (2) No, the evaluation order of value computations is not entirely dictated by operator precedence and associativity. They impose only a partial ordering on evaluation. Consider a + b. In … Read more

[Solved] C++ operator precedence

The effect is as you write, but it’s achieved using a slightly different sequence: The post-increment has highest precedence, so it’s evaluated first. However, its return value (which is processed by further operators) is the value of iter before the increment. Dereference is evaluated next, returning pointer to which the non-incremented value of iter was … Read more

[Solved] How are the pre and post increment / decrement operators are evaluated in C++ when they happen to occur repeatedly in a single cout statement? [duplicate]

How are the pre and post increment / decrement operators are evaluated in C++ when they happen to occur repeatedly in a single cout statement? [duplicate] solved How are the pre and post increment / decrement operators are evaluated in C++ when they happen to occur repeatedly in a single cout statement? [duplicate]