[Solved] Split string in two parts by length
To turn a sub string String into a byte buffer ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(myString.substring(0,3).getBytes(“UTF-8”)); solved Split string in two parts by length
To turn a sub string String into a byte buffer ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(myString.substring(0,3).getBytes(“UTF-8”)); solved Split string in two parts by length
In Java ,how to use org.apache.poi.hssf and get the value of two columns alone with the column name from the excel sheet that is uploaded solved In Java ,how to use org.apache.poi.hssf and get the value of two columns alone with the column name from the excel sheet that is uploaded
Following snippet might be a point to start with. URL url = new URL(“http://example.com/acct/StatsClientListService” + “?clientType=AllClient&something=interesting”); Stream.of(url.getQuery().split(“&”)) .collect(Collectors.toMap( s -> s.replaceFirst(“^(.*)=.*”, “$1”), s -> s.replaceFirst(“^.*=(.*)”, “$1”))) .forEach((k, v) -> System.out.printf(“param: %s value: %s%n”, k, v) ); output param: clientType value: AllClient param: something value: interesting edit If the URL string contain only the path and … Read more
Simply change your first for loop to decrement instead of increment for (int i = lines; i > 0; i–) { instead of for (int i = 1; i <= lines; i++){ 1 solved creating number patterns in java(continued) [closed]
Presently HDInsight-Spark Clusters are not available with Azure Data Lake Storage. Once we have the support it would work seamlessly. In the mean time you can try and use ADL Analytics to the same job on ADLS using U-SQL queries. For reference please visit the link: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/data-lake-analytics-get-started-portal/ We are working for the support and it … Read more
The reason why you re getting the error is because you have no activity to launch the app , so in your manifest file , you should specify the launcher activity This is the code <activity android:name=”.activities.ControlActivity” activity android:label=”@string/title_activity_control” android:theme=”@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar”></activity> <activity android:name=”.activities.ConnectActivity”> // here specify the the <intent-filter> <action android:name=”android.intent.action.MAIN” /> <category android:name=”android.intent.category.LAUNCHER” /> </intent-filter> … Read more
You should be able to remove the entry with: Map.remove(key) solved what is the method to delete hashmap entry
I found this searching SO: Why should we declare an interface inside a class? Thus, when dealing with some hierarchy, you can describe a “nested” interface, which will be implemented by the wrapping class’s subclasses. In the JDK, the most significant example would be Map.Entry inner interface, defined within Map interface and implemented by various … Read more
I think the problem is the new ObjStr2() in your second collector. You’re using the same starting element for all groups. You’re concatenating everything to the same object, and because this is mutable, everything is appended to that same object. Instead, make your doReduce return a new object: static ObjStr2 doReduce(ObjStr2 a, ObjStr2 b) { … Read more
You have to look at the decimal value for the ASCII characters as listed in this table. If that value is a prime number, you need to remove the character. For example: M 78 e 101 -> Is prime number h 104 t 116 a 97 -> Is prime number 5 solved print the string … Read more
One way is to use PropertyNamingStrategy http://wiki.fasterxml.com/PropertyNamingStrategy Here is nice simple demo how you can use it Link to How to Use PropertyNamingStrategy in Jackson The other is use MixInAnnotations http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonMixInAnnotations with MixInAnnotations you can create just one Person class and Mixin for any other alternative property name setup. public static void main(String[] args) throws … Read more
a) You can serialize the string and examine the bytes.(although some other class will call a String’s function.) b) you can sent it to a Writer subclass where you implement the write(char[], int, int) (although, again, some other class will call a String’s function.) c) you can try to cheat and use reflexion to pull … Read more
A random array of elements is given. The program needs to find all the sections(sequences) in the array that are in ascending order solved A random array of elements is given. The program needs to find all the sections(sequences) in the array that are in ascending order
As your exception log says, The system cannot find the file specified Try to give full path of @upwork.exe file. 4 solved Console error on executing cmd command in java [closed]
Convert string in iso date format to milliseconds. Iso date format includes (“yyyy-MM-dd”) and doesn’t have timezone solved Convert string in iso date format to milliseconds. Iso date format includes (“yyyy-MM-dd”) and doesn’t have timezone