[Solved] What is the correct fix instead of using if ( variable != null ) to bypass the origin of issue [closed]

If there’s really a business reason to cater for the situation where your variable is null, then you the developer should provide an else block. Concerning literature, yes there is actually a performance cost to throwing exceptions, so it’s recommended you avoid your app throwing exceptions as much as possible. You can read more about … Read more

[Solved] How to communicate two classes? [closed]

use a base class instead of an interface: abstract class MyBaseClass { public Dictionary<int,string> dic { get; set; } public MyBaseClass() { dic = new Dictionary<int, string>(5); } public void Add(int key, string value) { dic.Add(key, value); } } public class MyClass1 : MyBaseClass { public MyClass1():base() { } } public class MyClass2 : MyBaseClass … Read more

[Solved] Want to extract a value from String using patterns in java [closed]

Regex may complicate the code. If its a simple comparison you could use indexOf instead. Seeing the format of your strings it better to use properties then you have better control over the values. Eg import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Properties; public class StringToProp { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = “property: … Read more

[Solved] Which of the following classes in java library do not implement a design pattern?

The official source for the Java standard library is the standard Java API documentation. And one notable source for design patterns is the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. To begin with, when you look at the options, the question (as quoted in your post) is badly formulated: “Which of the following classes … Read more

[Solved] Where I should put the model creation code? [closed]

I would choose Factory. With this pattern you can easily create your new object and along with it anything you need. You juste need to pass the right parameters to your service. check these docs for creating Factory pattern in SYmfony https://symfony.com/doc/current/service_container/factories.html solved Where I should put the model creation code? [closed]

[Solved] Chain of responsibility automatic generator [closed]

File folder = new File(“JavaClassesPath”); ArrayList<String> all = new ArrayList<>(); for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { if (!fileEntry.isDirectory()) { all.add(fileEntry.getName().substring(0, fileEntry.getName().lastIndexOf(‘.’))); } } String className = “PackageName”; for (String s: all) { if (!s.equals(“AbstractClassName”)) { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className + ‘.’ + s); Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor(); Object object = ctor.newInstance(); allHandlers.add((RequestHandler) object); } … Read more

[Solved] What is the difference between interpreter and mediator design pattern? [closed]

Interpreter pattern is used to interpreter a (domain) language defined with grammatical rules. Mediator is used when it is hard to achieve synchronization among the lot of objects, then communication goes via mediator. Hope that this helps. solved What is the difference between interpreter and mediator design pattern? [closed]

[Solved] Chain of responsibility – lambda function implementation [closed]

I have adapted the java example from the wikipedia article: In this example we have different roles, each having a fixed purchasing limit and a successor. Every time a user in a role receives a purchase request that exceeds his or her limit, the request is passed to his or her successor. A builder allow … Read more