[Solved] Java how to redefine fundamental int value [closed]

Well just for fun, I decided to take a shot at it. Most probably what you’ve heard was that you could corrupt the Integer’s cache in order to do this. Before getting any further, here’s the code: package test; import java.lang.reflect.Field; public class BreakMath { public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, … Read more

[Solved] Print the genres of the book [closed]

Here is working examples with some extra Lists removed: import java.util.*; class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Movie> moviesAvailable; moviesAvailable = new LinkedList<Movie>(); moviesAvailable.add(new Movie(“Matrix”,1999,new Genre(“SciFi”),3)); moviesAvailable.add(new Movie(“Jurassic Park”,1993, new Genre(“SciFi”),4)); moviesAvailable.add(new Movie(“The conjuring”,1993, new Genre(“Horror”),4)); moviesAvailable.stream().map(movie -> movie.getGenre().getName()).distinct().forEach(System.out::println); } } class Genre { private String name; public String getName() { return … Read more

[Solved] Missing Syntax for displaying data in listview [duplicate]

You are getting null object exception because you have not initialise SQLiteDatabase before do operation Just need to replace your method public void executeEventInsert(String name, String score){ //For write data to your database SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String query=”INSERT INTO universityFinder(univName, score) VALUES(‘”+name+”‘,'”+score+”‘);”; db.execSQL(query); } and public ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> executeSelectEvents(int input){ String query=”select * from “+TABLE_NAME+ … Read more

[Solved] Need help compiling this java source [closed]

I was able to run the project: File->Import…->Existing Projects into Workspace Project has invalid settings – source folders are wrong. To fix that, right click on the project->Properties->Java Build Path->Source-> add src, remove src/main and src/test To run, right click on Main class->Run As->Java Application To export to jar, right click on project->Export…->Runnable JAR file … Read more

[Solved] Get number from the string (RegExp) [closed]

There are a lot of answers to this question in stackoverflow. Next time search before you ask! Here is a simple code which gives what you want: String str= “animal 1 animal”; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(“-?\\d+”); Matcher match = p.matcher(str); while (match.find()) { System.out.println(match.group()); } It is the same with your other Strings.. just change … Read more

[Solved] How to count the number of keys in a map [closed]

Poorly phrased question, but if the values you have as keys (A1, A2, etc…) are String and you want to check by the first letter of the key, you can try something like this: int count = 0; for (String k : myMap.keySet()){ if(k.startsWith(“A”)){ count++; } } 4 solved How to count the number of … Read more

[Solved] Using Java, how can i see if the current time is between 10 and 15 minutes after the hour? [closed]

The following method should resolve your problem public boolean isInRange() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); return minute >= 10 && minute < 15; } It simple recoveries the minute from the current time and verifies if it is between 10 and 15 0 solved Using Java, how can i see if … Read more