[Solved] Java Calendar Not working [closed]

Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR is a constant representing the field that contains the day-of-year. It’s numeric value (6, apparently) has no meaning beyond being not equal to any of the other field constants. You want Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); solved Java Calendar Not working [closed]

[Solved] How do I trace the progress of this tree code?

Without tracing, it’s relatively straightforward to see what a given tree should print. The structure of the method means that a string will look like this: <content><left sub-tree><content><right sub-tree><content> So all you have to do is continually substitute that pattern for the left and right sub-trees (with empty strings for non-existent sub-trees) and get the … Read more

[Solved] How to display an image using inputstream in servlets?

You need write the image as a byte array to the response’s output stream. Something like this: byte[] imageBytes = getImageAsBytes(); response.setContentType(“image/jpeg”); response.setContentLength(imageBytes.length); response.getOutputStream().write(imageBytes); Then in you JSP you just use a standard img element: <img src=”url to your servlet”> Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1154279/1567585 solved How to display an image using inputstream in servlets?

[Solved] Change text after a while on Activity start

For the purpose of app responsiveness, as stated in the official documentation on Processes and Threads, it is not recommended to block the UI-thread (for example by calling Thread.sleep()) longer than a few seconds. As also described in the article provided there are several options to avoid that, one of which is to use Handler.postDelayed(Runnable, … Read more

[Solved] Adding +1 to the end of a String

Parse the value as a whole and then add the value you desire. new BigDecimal(/* your string */).add(BigDecimal.ONE) Or if I read your code correctly, you always want to add new BigDecimal(“0.001”). EDIT: if you really want to just change the last digit, use something like the following: public BigDecimal incrementLastDigit(String value) { BigDecimal decimal … Read more

[Solved] Java Thread Hang

It’s not asynchronous. You need to invoke start() not run() Run will execute the Runnable’s run method in the current thread. start will create a new thread which will invoke the run method. 0 solved Java Thread Hang

[Solved] How to Use the OR operator

Don’t compare int values with =, the assignment operator. Use == to compare, which results in the needed boolean. Change if((counter = 0) || to if((counter == 0) || // And the others after it also. solved How to Use the OR operator

[Solved] How to add a line with this sign “|” in between every column in java program ? What is the logic for loop? [closed]

Its simple: Let’s assume your each column is 15 characters wide, if it’s less or more change accordingly: // Format header System.out.println(String.format(“%1$-15s”, “EMPO” )+ “|”+”\t”+String.format(“%1$-15s”, “ENAME” )+ “|”+”\t”+String.format(“%1$15s”, “SAL” )+ “|”+”\t”+String.format(“%1$15s”, “AVERAGE” )+ “|”); Similarly format your row: I leave this one for you to practice. System.out.println(eno+”\t”+ename+”\t”+sal+”\t”+avg); If you are not able to figure out, … Read more