[Solved] c# string manipulation add * for plain word

some how I achieved it in lengthy way …Not sure if any shortcut is there to achieve… var keywords_updated = (keywords.Replace(” “, “* “)); keywords_updated = keywords_updated.EndsWith(““) ? keywords_updated : keywords_updated + ““; MatchCollection col = Regex.Matches(keywords, “\\”(.?)\\””);//Regex.Matches(keywords, “(?<=\”)[^\”](?=\”)|[^\” ]+”); var data = col.Cast().Select(m => m.Value).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(data.Count); foreach (var item in data) { keywords_updated = … Read more

[Solved] Using std::sort to sort an array of C strings

std::sort: The comparison object expected by it has to return ​true if the first argument is less than (i.e. is ordered before) the second. strcmp, the function you provided has another return convention: Negative value if lhs is less than rhs. ​0​ if lhs is equal to rhs. Positive value if lhs is greater than … Read more

[Solved] Problem of a string read in function system() (probably due to a bad malloc) [closed]

chain1 = (char *) malloc(5*sizeof(char*) + 1); This will allocate enough space for five character pointers plus an extra byte. A pointer is not the same as a character, it tends to be either four or eight bytes currently but can actually be any size. You probably want sizeof(char) but, since that’s always 1, you … Read more

[Solved] Cast increment and assign in C

[How can I] De-reference and assign a value to a pointer and increment the pointer by (uint64_t) bytes in one line[?] You are trying to do too many things with a single expression. You should break it up. Moreover, “one line” is more or less arbitrary. I could take your one-liner and spread it out … Read more

[Solved] About ListBox limit item [closed]

From your question, it looks like you need to implement virtualization on the listbox. You can either use a VirtualizingStackPanel inside a Listbox as ItemsPanel Template or you use – ItemsControl and set its property VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing=”True” This should help. solved About ListBox limit item [closed]

[Solved] C – Cannot iterate through second string onward [closed]

Hint: You have to clear the the consonant and vowel counts after increment the other (e.g {c_vwl++;c_cnsnt=0;}), not when they are equal, and always tests your BAD condition. I will not give you a sample code. Good luck 4 solved C – Cannot iterate through second string onward [closed]

[Solved] Regular expressions in Notepad++. How make pattern that could be use in a few lines

To answer as a general exercise, run replace all cout.*<<.*\K<< with +, many times until it can’t match. replace all cout.*<<.*\Kendl with “\\n”, many times replace all cout.*<<.*\K(?<!\))(?=;) with \) replace all cout.*<<with Console.Write\( from perlre \K (Keep the stuff left of the \K) (?<!..) A zero-width negative lookbehind assertion. (?=..) A zero-width positive lookahead … Read more

[Solved] Finding a classmember in a vector of other class members

The error is giving you a good hint: you need to implement an equality operator for class Player. That is what std::find uses to determine if an element has been found. Alternatively, you can use std::find_if with a custom unary predicate. 4 solved Finding a classmember in a vector of other class members

[Solved] Making a void toBST function in C which takes 2 arguments : Tree* root and an array and adds all tree nodes to an array – order does not matter

Making a void toBST function in C which takes 2 arguments : Tree* root and an array and adds all tree nodes to an array – order does not matter solved Making a void toBST function in C which takes 2 arguments : Tree* root and an array and adds all tree nodes to an … Read more