[Solved] Search variable/item/attribute using STL in c++?

Something along the lines of std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> find_nonmatching_values(const std::unordered_multimap<int, int> & thing, int key, int value) { std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> ret; auto range = thing.equal_range(key); std::copy_if(range.first, range.second, std::back_inserter(ret), [value](const std::pair<const int, int> &p) { return p.second != value; }); return ret; } Demo. Templatizing this code is left as an exercise for the reader. solved Search … Read more

[Solved] c++ using stl vector [closed]

Every #include directive including something from the C++ standard library “loads” the entities into the std namespace (or some other namespace like this). The namespace helps preventing global namespace pollution – by keeping everything in a seperate namespace, identifier collisions are rendered impossible. In the <vector> file, then there is something like namespace std { … Read more

[Solved] Get the dot product of two vectors by functors and STL algorithms

Just use std::inner_product: live demo #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <ostream> #include <numeric> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { vector<int> v1,v2; generate_n( back_inserter(v1), 256, rand ); generate_n( back_inserter(v2), v1.size(), rand ); cout << inner_product( v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), 0 ) << endl; } Yes, that’s a good solution. But I … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t this code for Sutherland-Hodgeman Line Clipping algorithm giving incorrect output?

You can use a std::vector without initializing its size and it supports random access. To add to an empty std::vector use push_back std::vector<MyType> vec; vec.push_back(MyType(10, ‘a’, “Hi”)); vec.push_back(MyType(20, ‘b’, “Hello”)); vec.push_back(MyType(30, ‘c’, “Bye”)); MyType t = vec[1];//20,’b’, “Hello”… Edit: This answer is for the question that was originally asked. 3 solved Why doesn’t this code … Read more

[Solved] C++ STL list’s Push_back takes argument pass by value?

Function signature is void push_back (const value_type& val); and the value passed is copied in your list. So you can consider this a “pass-by-value” (in a operational way). In C++11 you have also void push_back (value_type&& val); that is a possibilities of move your value into your list. solved C++ STL list’s Push_back takes argument … Read more

[Solved] std::vector inserting std::pair

The original poster failed to actually post the code that was causing the problem. He has since edited my post with the correct code that demonstrates the problem. The code that demonstrates the problem follows: template <class R, typename B=int> class AVectorContainer { public: AVectorContainer() {} typedef R* ptr_Type; typedef const B & const_ref_Type; typedef … Read more

[Solved] equivalent of this in STL [closed]

This uses std::for_each() because you asked for STL: #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <algorithm> void inlineConvertPackFilename(std::string& name) { std::for_each(name.begin(), name.end(), [](auto& c) { if (c == ‘\\’) { c=”https://stackoverflow.com/”; } else { c = tolower(c); } }); } int main() { static std::string filename(“C:\\FOO\\bar\\Baz.txt”); inlineConvertPackFilename(filename); return 0; } But that’s really unnecessary as you can … Read more

[Solved] discussion about the scenarios that the insertion function of an STL vector may not work [closed]

I can only assume that a side effect of calculateSomeValue() is changing a which invalidates all iterators. Since the order of evaluation of arguments in a.insert(a.begin(), calculateSomeValue()); is unspecified it could be that a.begin() is evaluated before calculateSomeValue() invalidates all iterators to a. Which is undefined behaviour. solved discussion about the scenarios that the insertion … Read more