[Solved] I am attempting write a class that multiplies two matrices using arrays. Are there any errors in the code? [closed]

int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM[0].length; int Scolumns = FM.length; should be int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM.length; int Scolumns = FM[0].length; and … float finAns[][] = new float[Fcolumns][Scolumns]; should be float finAns[][] = new float[Frows][Scolumns]; Start with that solved I am attempting … Read more

[Solved] javascript filter and slice does not work properly

here the array with processsteptemplate = 10 is removed let arr = [ {id: 14, conditiontype: 1, processsteptemplate: 9, deleted: false, processTemplate_id: 0}, {id: 15, conditiontype: 1, processsteptemplate: 9, deleted: false, processTemplate_id: 0}, {id: 16, conditiontype: 1, processsteptemplate: 10, deleted: false, processTemplate_id: 0} ] let step = 9; let result = arr.filter((e) => e.processsteptemplate === … Read more

[Solved] What variations of vector-like containers already widely established? Do I have to write my own? [closed]

Here are the ones I know of: Traditional a.k.a. plain a.k.a. C array vector unique_ptr with an array-type template argument array valarray dynarray static_vector (see also here) small_vector stable_vector There are also “variable-length arrays” and “arrays with runtime bounds”, which do not exist in C++; the former exists in C. See also this question and … Read more

[Solved] Take value from array which is in array [duplicate]

That’s a simple array containing another array so you can simply specify multiple indexes for included array: $mc_name = $_GET[‘identifiers’][‘mc’][‘nick’]; To better understand how it works think of it like assigning each array first to a variable like: $identifiers = $_GET[‘identifiers’]; $mc_array = $identifiers[‘mc’]; $mc_name = $mc_array[‘nick’]; which will essentially do the same thing at … Read more

[Solved] 1D array passed to function as 2D array

template<size_t stride, class T, size_t N, size_t count = N/stride> std::array<T*, count> make_2d( T(&raw)[N] ) { std::array<T*, count> retval; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) retval[i] = raw + i*stride; return retval; } this will return a array of pointers to the lower dimensions To call func2, simply do: func2( 10, make_2d<10>(arr).data() … Read more

[Solved] How can I take an integer input from user and store it to an array? [closed]

Try changing the last line to: print str(number) This will change the list into a printable string representation. If you want to learn more about strings and formatting, check out Chapter 7 of the Python Tutorial. Actually, the whole tutorial is pretty awesome. 🙂 EDIT: David is correct in his comment below…print converts lists to … Read more

[Solved] How to store each word from a scanner to an array

If I understand your question correctly, this is that I would do Scanner keyb = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print(“Enter a sentence: “); String input = keyb.nextLine(); String[] stringArray = input.split(“,”); To see the results: for(int i=0; i < stringArray.length; i++){ System.out.println(i + “: ” + stringArray[i]); } This will work for any size sentence as long … Read more

[Solved] How to represent unsigned char values as hexadecimal string?

I want to get a return values 3374747372 as char or string. Casting doesn’t work in this case. You can use text formatting IO to get a hex string representation of the arrays content: unsigned char codeslink[5] ={ 0x33, 0x74, 0x74, 0x73, 0x72}; std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::hex << std::setfill(‘0’); for(size_t i = 0; i … Read more