[Solved] Java not continuing a loop [closed]

public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner numPlayers = new Scanner(System.in); ArrayList<Player> playerList = new ArrayList<>(); int input = numPlayers.nextInt(); for (int i = 0; i < input; i++){ System.out.println(“what is player ” + (i + 1) + ” name?”); String playerName = numPlayers.next(); playerList.add(new Player(playerName)); } } You should have declared scanner object outside … Read more

[Solved] malloc void return char array somtimes not working (terry davis was right about C++);

One of the problem to cause undefined behavior is In void update_typeArray(char * char_array, int index, char input) you free the memory pointed by the __array_buffer using char_array. update_typeArray(__array_buffer, index, __char_buffer); free(char_array); and you allocate the new memory to char_array char_array = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(index + 1));//+1 cause string but your __array_buffer will be still pointing to … Read more

[Solved] Arrays in Python [closed]

I can safely assume you want to know how to create a dictionary, and how to iterate through it. To create a dictionary: States = {‘Alabama’: ‘.05’, ‘Iowa’: ‘0.04’} To loop through it: for key in States: if key == stateName: #States[key] will return the value associated with the key, ex .05 for Alabama Hope … Read more

[Solved] Keep track of string matches to create a new ID

I would probably consider doing this another way… Have an empty hashmap<String sub, int multiplier> Read in the name Generate the subname Fetch from or create subname in hashmap If new, set multiplier to 1 If exists, increment multiplier Return String.format(ā€œ%s%3dā€, subname, multiplier x 5).toUpperCase() I would give you code but writing the above was … Read more

[Solved] Parse JSON to fetch all the details using Asynctask

Try this following code. for(int i=0;i<route.length();i++) { JSONObject routeObject = route.getJSONObject(i); TrainStatus trainStatus = new TrainStatus(); JSONObject jsonObject_station = routeObject.getJSONObject(“station”); String stationname = jsonObject_station.getString(“name”); String code = jsonObject_station.getString(“code”); Log.d(“checkvalue”, ” ” + stationname + ” ” + code); trainStatus.setSerialNo(routeObject.getInt(“no”)); trainStatus.setScheduleArrival(routeObject.getString(“scharr”)); trainStatus.setActualArrival(routeObject.getString(“actarr”)); trainStatus.setStatusOfArrival(routeObject.getString(“status”)); trainStatus.setHasArrived(routeObject.getBoolean(“has_arrived”)); trainStatus.setHasDeparted(routeObject.getBoolean(“has_departed”)); trainStatus.setLatemin(routeObject.getInt(“latemin”)); trainStatus.setActualArrivalDate(routeObject.getString(“actarr_date”)); trainStatus.setScheduleArrivalDate(routeObject.getString(“scharr_date”)); trainList.add(trainStatus); } 6 solved Parse JSON to fetch … Read more

[Solved] Browse through an array for a specific amount of values

Please try this code: var arr = [‘a’,’a’,’b’,’b’,’b’,’c’]; var numberOfOccurrences = {}; arr.forEach(function (item) { numberOfOccurrences[item] = (numberOfOccurrences[item] || 0) + 1; }); var duplicates = Object.keys(numberOfOccurrences).filter(function (item) { return numberOfOccurrences[item] === 2 }); console.log(duplicates); 3 solved Browse through an array for a specific amount of values

[Solved] Pipe Delimited List with numbers into array PHP

Here’s how I went about it for anyone else wondering $SurveyOptions = preg_match_all(‘/(\d+)-([^|]+)/’, $res[‘survey_response_digit_map’], $matches); $finalArray = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); Pretty straight forward. solved Pipe Delimited List with numbers into array PHP

[Solved] Trying to create an array and instead creating an array within an array

Per the documentation in ImportJSON, it returns a two-dimensional array (which actually means an array of arrays, since JS doesn’t have two-dimensional arrays). This is probably meant to mimic the structure of spreadsheet data (rows of columns). Since each of the items in the array you’re concating is itself an array, you’ll get that nested … Read more

[Solved] Output the array so that 10 elements per line are printed

You have not called print method from main method. One more mistake is in your code that, you mentioned about 3 times of index variable and in your code you are taking cube of index variable. public class progprblm5{ public static void main(String []args){ double alpha[] = new double[50]; for(int i =0;i<25;i++){ alpha[i]= i*i; } … Read more

[Solved] PHP array is having a gap when printed out

Your array 2nd value has newline char See Demo <?php $arr = array(1,’2′.PHP_EOL,3); print_r($arr); echo implode(” “, $arr); ?> Would produce: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) 1 2 3 –edit– Solution : $arr = array_map(‘trim’, $arr); after $arr = explode(” “, fgets($_fp)); because when reading a file using … Read more

[Solved] Find if an element exists in C++ array [duplicate]

There is a standard function called std::find in the header <algorithm>: #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> int main() { int myarray[6]{10, 4, 14, 84, 1, 3}; if (std::find(std::begin(myarray), std::end(myarray), 1) != std::end(myarray)) std::cout << “It exists”; else std::cout << “It does not exist”; return 0; } Ideone solved Find if an element exists in C++ array … Read more