[Solved] How i change array in js get by key [closed]

//perhaps, you probably do it like this : var result = {}; $.each([{id: 1, add_1: “123”, add_2: “add1”}, {id: 2, add_1: “456”, add_2: “add2”} ], function(i, item ){ for(var pro in item ){ result[pro] = result[pro] || []; result[pro].push(item[pro]); } }) console.log(result); 2 solved How i change array in js get by key [closed]

[Solved] move key to sub array js [closed]

You can use .map(), .concat() and Object.assign() methods to get the resultant array: let data = [ {Name: ‘Color’, Data:[{Id: 1, Name: ‘Red’}, {Id: 2, Name: ‘Yellow’}, {Id: 3, Name: ‘Blue’}, {Id: 4, Name: ‘Green’}, {Id: 7, Name: ‘Black’}]}, {Name: ‘Size’, Data:[{Id: 8, Name: ‘S’}, {Id: 11, Name: ‘M’}, {Id: 12, Name: ‘L’}, {Id: 13, … Read more

[Solved] How to make an inner class

I will try to explain it to you without code, since I think you should learn from yourself. You have an array table1 that can only have an element in position 0. You need to give a value to that position like this: table1[0] = new Tables(); now it depends on the complexity you have … Read more

[Solved] in the c++ hacker rank preperation cause, the last index returns 0 when i reverse it. but when i try the code out in visual studio, it works perfectly [closed]

As mentioned in the comments, array should be initialized with a proper capacity. You should first read the size and then create the array. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n; // First read the array size and then create the array. cin>>n; //inputting the array size int array[n]; //inputting the numbers … Read more

[Solved] How can I sort subarray of objects [duplicate]

You can use sortBy function of lodash. var users = [ { ‘user’: ‘fred’, ‘age’: 48 }, { ‘user’: ‘barney’, ‘age’: 36 }, { ‘user’: ‘fred’, ‘age’: 40 }, { ‘user’: ‘barney’, ‘age’: 34 } ]; _.sortBy(users, [function(o) { return o.user; }]); // => objects for [[‘barney’, 36], [‘barney’, 34], [‘fred’, 48], [‘fred’, 40]] solved … Read more

[Solved] Can I create a loop which fills 100 arrays with six random numbers [closed]

If you want to have a random number of arrays you have to store them in a resizable container like a vector, containing the arrays with the six elements. Resize this vector with this random number and then iterate through it and add random numbers #include <array> #include <random> namespace { constexpr auto NumberOfArrayElements = … Read more

[Solved] Parsing String and Int in java

split your string on space to get Logging and v0.12.4 remove (substring) v from v0.12.4 split 0.12.4 on dot (use split(“\\.”) since dot is special in regex) you can also parse each “0” “12” “4” to integer (Integer.parseInt can be helpful). 4 solved Parsing String and Int in java

[Solved] updating base64_encode() serialized array on MYSQL Databases? [closed]

That is why storing base64 encoded serialized data in the database is extremely bad idea. You have to redesign your database, getting rid of base64_encode and serialized data. While using base64 with database makes absolutely no sense by any means, storing serialized data in the database is like mending an electronic device with stone hammer. … Read more

[Solved] Search string inside array javascript

Your problem lies in the use of consecutive if statements without chaining them together to make a complete check. Doing it your way, the code actually completely disregards all the if statements, but the last one. So, if iledefrance.indexOf(departement) != -1 gives false, it’will always execute the code inside else, meaning it’ll set region = … Read more

[Solved] Decoding declaration(a combination of array and function pointers) in C [closed]

That code is not a declaration, but it can be interpreted as an expression. (*I_dont_know())[(int) ((*ptr))] Call the function I_dont_know with no arguments. This function returns a pointer to something. Dereference the returned pointer to get some object. Meanwhile, dereference the value of ptr and cast it to an int value. Then pass that int … Read more