[Solved] How can I sort subarray of objects [duplicate]

You can use sortBy function of lodash. var users = [ { ‘user’: ‘fred’, ‘age’: 48 }, { ‘user’: ‘barney’, ‘age’: 36 }, { ‘user’: ‘fred’, ‘age’: 40 }, { ‘user’: ‘barney’, ‘age’: 34 } ]; _.sortBy(users, [function(o) { return o.user; }]); // => objects for [[‘barney’, 36], [‘barney’, 34], [‘fred’, 48], [‘fred’, 40]] solved … Read more

[Solved] Javascript: Create new arrays from a url of object of arrays

You can simply get the data by key: data.performance.fundBtcArr ,data.performance.fundUsdArr,data.performance.btcUsdArr var data={“performance”: {“datesArr”: [“2018-04-30”, “2018-05-07”, “2018-05-14”, “2018-05-21”, “2018-05-28”, “2018-06-04”, “2018-06-11”, “2018-06-18”, “2018-06-25”, “2018-07-02”, “2018-07-09”], “fundBtcArr”: [1, 0.956157566, 0.988963214, 0.992333066, 1.118842298, 1.064376568, 1.109733638, 1.082080679, 1.142624866, 1.1107828743809005, 1.0626307952408292], “fundUsdArr”: [1, 0.974710531, 0.944055086, 0.903073518, 0.869041365, 0.870284702, 0.815468401, 0.789070479, 0.777083258, 0.8027552300742684, 0.7766297878480255], “btcUsdArr”: [1, 1.019403669, 0.954590699, 0.910050818, 0.77673267, 0.81764737, … Read more

[Solved] How to compare each object in an array with each other. When found update the object with a new property

You can use newCollection or manipulate in the collection like this collection.forEach((item)=>{ item.rowMatch = (collection.filter((e)=>{return (e.name==item.name&&e.phone==item.phone)}).length>1)?’true’:’false’; }) console.log(collection) Simple is that.Here is working JSFiddle for it https://jsfiddle.net/touqeer/pgdsw9Le/1/ . 11 solved How to compare each object in an array with each other. When found update the object with a new property

[Solved] Merge objects in an array if they have the same date

This is a good use case for reduce. const rawData = [ { date: ‘3/10/2019’, a: ‘123’, }, { date: ‘3/10/2019’, b: ‘456’, }, { date: ‘3/11/2019’, a: ‘789’, }, { date: ‘3/11/2019’, b: ‘012’, }, { date: ‘3/11/2019’, c: ‘345’, } ]; const groupByDate = array => array.reduce((results, item) => { const current = … Read more

[Solved] Transform an array to another array

As charlietfl said, in the future posts you must provide examples of code, that you’ve written to solve your problem. Here’s the solution, it’s pretty simple: const initialObject = { “items”: [ { “_id”: “admin”, “authorities”: [ { “name”: “ROLE_ADMIN” } ] }, { “_id”: “user”, “authorities”: [ { “name”: “ROLE_USER” } ] } ] … Read more

[Solved] Return matching elements after comparing in lower case?

You could filter the value after a check, if the lower case value is included in the fields array. var mainArray = [“Title”, “AssignedTo”, “IssueStatus”, “Priority”, “Comment”, “Category”, “RelatedIssues”, “V3Comments”, “TaskDueDate”, “Attachments”], fields = [“title”, “comment”], result = mainArray.filter(a => fields.includes(a.toLowerCase())); console.log(result); ES5 var mainArray = [“Title”, “AssignedTo”, “IssueStatus”, “Priority”, “Comment”, “Category”, “RelatedIssues”, “V3Comments”, “TaskDueDate”, … Read more