[Solved] Get all subarrays from an array using a single loop

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int myArray[] = {0,1,2,3}; int myArrayLength = sizeof(myArray)/sizeof(*myArray); int i, j; for(j=i=0;i<myArrayLength;++i){ printf(“(%d,%d)”, myArray[j], myArray[i]); if(i == myArrayLength -1){ i = j++;//++j – 1; printf(“\n”); } } return 0; } 5 solved Get all subarrays from an array using a single loop

[Solved] How To Group and Sort Array element base Specific Character [closed]

You can use usort by string compare and the add prefix to each element with str_repeat Consider: $arr = array(“10”, “1001”,”12″, “1201”,”1002″, “1202”,”120101″, “120201”,”13″); usort($arr, “strcasecmp”); // sorting the array by string and not array function addPre($v) { $mul = strlen($v) / 2; // check the string size and divided by 2 as your example … Read more

[Solved] array sum in array php [closed]

Create a separate array then loop through the nested array and add them individually. If you cannot perform that then you shouldn’t be writing code in PHP 😉 solved array sum in array php [closed]

[Solved] incompatible types: int[] cannot be converted to java.util.List

You’re returning List<Integer>, but you’re creating an int[]. They’re completely different things! try this instead: private static List<Integer> randomIntegerArray(int n) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { list.add((int) Math.random()); // always returns 0 } return list; } Or if you definitely want to use an array, change … Read more

[Solved] How to find the largest and smallest element in C using arguments and array? [closed]

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int iics, char*argv[]){ int a,n=0,sum=0,average,highest,lowest,num[100]; for (a=1; a<iics; ++a) sum = sum + (num[n++] = atoi(argv[a])); printf (“The sum is %.2d \n”, sum); average = sum / n; printf (“The average is %.2d \n”, average); highest = num[0]; lowest = num[0]; for (a = 1; a < n; ++a){ if(num[a] … Read more

[Solved] ruby how to sort this Hash of Arrays [closed]

What is looks like is that you actually have a hash containing some Arrays. Cleaning it up I assume it should look something like this: hash = {:time_frame=>”Today”, :locations=>[“Tampa”, “Atlanta”, “California”, “Georgia”, “South Lake Union”], :local_totals=>[10000.0, 30,000, 70000, 50000, :expenses=>[2000, 10000, 4000, 6000]} Assuming that is correct, you can do something like this to solve … Read more

[Solved] How do I print a list of elements in array in JavaScript?

Here you are: var array = ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’.split(”); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var str=””; for (var j = 0; j <= i; j++) { if (array[j] == ‘E’) str += ‘3’; else str += array[j]; } document.querySelector(‘span’).innerHTML = document.querySelector(‘span’).innerHTML + str + ‘<br />’; } <span></span> Hope this helps. 9 … Read more

[Solved] Sum up array values [closed]

Because $product refers to each iteration of $output[“PriceInformation”][“PriceDetails”][“Price”], you can’t sum the entire array like this. The best way to do it would be to add it to a variable as you go: $your_sum = 0; foreach($output as $value) { $your_sum += $value[‘PriceInformation’][‘PriceDetails’][‘Price’]; } echo ‘Sum: ‘ . $your_sum; 1 solved Sum up array values … Read more

[Solved] PHP sort array by date and character

Here’s an example multi-sort using usort and a callback: <?php $arr = [ [‘date’ => ‘2017-10-18’, ‘char’ => ‘Z’], [‘date’ => ‘2017-10-17’, ‘char’ => ‘Z’], [‘date’ => ‘2017-9-2’, ‘char’ => ‘A’], [‘date’ => ‘2017-10-17’, ‘char’ => ‘A’], [‘date’ => ‘2017-10-18’, ‘char’ => ‘A’], ]; usort($arr, function($a, $b) { $date_a = strtotime($a[‘date’]); $date_b = strtotime($b[‘date’]); if($date_a … Read more