[Solved] what mistake have i done here in angularjs?

You might have posted partial code, according to your comments your controller should be like below. DEMO var demoapp = angular.module(“myApp”,[]); demoapp.controller(“ulCtrl”,function($scope){ $scope.customers = “CUSTOMERSSS” ; }); <!doctype html> <html ng-app=”myApp”> <head> <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.4/angular.js”></script> </head> <body> <div ng-controller=”ulCtrl” style=”padding: 40px;”> <li ng-controller=”ulCtrl”><a ng- href=”” class =”active” >{{customers}}</a></li> <li><a ng-href=”#JOBS”>JOBS</a></li> <li><a ng-href=”#ESTIMATES” >ESTIMATES</a></li> <li><a ng-href=”#INVOICE” >INVOICE</a></li> … Read more

[Solved] script not working properly [closed]

there are several issues in this code. first the closing of the controller brackets should be changed app.controller(“notePadCtrl”,function($scope){ $scope.message=””; $scope.left=function(){ return 100 – $scope.message.lenght; }; $scope.clear=function(){ $scope.message=””; }; $scope.save=function(){ alert(“file got saved”); }; }); then add the angular script tag inside the body or head tag <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script data-require=”[email protected]″ data-semver=”1.5.8″ src=”https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.8/angular.js”></script> <link … Read more

[Solved] Image thumbnail in product images [closed]

This is how I would do it: A little AngularJs var demo = angular.module(‘demo’, []); demo.controller(‘demoCtrl’, function($scope) { $scope.imgs = {}; $scope.imgs.a = { ‘small’: ‘http://placehold.it/150×150/000000’, ‘large’: ‘http://placehold.it/500×500/000000’ }; $scope.imgs.b = { ‘small’: ‘http://placehold.it/150×150/cccccc’, ‘large’: ‘http://placehold.it/500×500/cccccc’ }; $scope.imgs.c = { ‘small’: ‘http://placehold.it/150×150/ffffff’, ‘large’: ‘http://placehold.it/500×500/ffffff’ }; $scope.viewShowing = $scope.imgs.a.large; $scope.applyNewLargeView = function(largeViewUriString){ $scope.viewShowing = largeViewUriString; } … Read more

[Solved] Populate a Dropdown list by grouping using AngularJs

Assuming the following structure for the templates : $scope.templates = [{ type: ‘Email’, name: ‘Template u1’ }, { type: ‘Email’, name: ‘Template u2’ }, { type: ‘System’, name: ‘Template s1’ }, { type: ‘Email’, name: ‘Template u3’ }, { type: ‘System’, name: ‘Template s2’ }, { type: ‘System’, name: ‘Template s3’ }]; If you want … Read more

[Solved] Angularjs – get data from oracle database [closed]

Angularjs is client side framework based on javascript. There is nothing to do retrieving data from Oracle. It is server side’s duty. You should implement on server side technologies such as .net or php, and give services to client side through web api, rest api etc. solved Angularjs – get data from oracle database [closed]

[Solved] Is it feasible for a start-up of two developers to do full automated regression testing without manual testing? [closed]

The answer to this question is highly opinionated, but I’ll give it a shot anyway. From what you have described, seems you are “holding it wrong” in many ways. Your sprints are too long. You should be pushing to production once a day and should not be doing 2 hour of “regression testing” before every … Read more

[Solved] How can we make jquery terminal screen adjustable?

You can create jQuery Terminal inside jQuery UI dialog or maybe use resizable from jQuery UI <div class=”wrapper”> <div class=”term”></div> </div> $(‘.wrapper’).resizable(); $(‘.term’).terminal(); .wrapper { width: 400px; height: 200px; } .term { height: 100%; } codepen demo 3 solved How can we make jquery terminal screen adjustable?

[Solved] getting default data in ng-model input [closed]

If you just want a one-time/one-way bind to the length of an Array, use ng-value instead of ng-model: <input ng-value=”tripsheets.length” type=”text”> If you have a two-way binding that can be changed from the default: $scope.tripsheet = { tripsheet_num: $scope.tripsheets.length }; <input ng-model=”tripsheet.tripsheet_num” type=”text”> Example in plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/UM4lyGZSxB1mEcpy9CqJ?p=preview Finally, it sounds like you may be doing … Read more

[Solved] Angular filter for specific properties in an array

By default angular filters by any property of an object. If you want to filter by specific property you need to update your filter: <li ng-repeat=”user in Model.users | filter: { user: Model.name } | orderBy:’price'”> {{user.user + ‘ bought phone worth ‘ + user.price}} </li> Pay attention to this part: filter: { user: Model.name … Read more