[Solved] Is it feasible for a start-up of two developers to do full automated regression testing without manual testing? [closed]

The answer to this question is highly opinionated, but I’ll give it a shot anyway.

From what you have described, seems you are “holding it wrong” in many ways.

  1. Your sprints are too long.

  2. You should be pushing to production once a day and should not be doing 2 hour of “regression testing” before every push.

  3. I don’t think you should strive for a full automated test suite, full test coverage is not something that a startup needs to strive for in most cases, you should cover business cases and most common workflow for your users.

Having automated tests does not remove the need for sprints, you most likely will still work in sprints but you will be able to deploy more often.

Here’s a very common workflow

  1. You have a master branch
  2. You create branches for feature/bugs/hotfixes (read more on gitflow )
  3. You create a PR on github that requests to be merged to master
  4. Tests are running on your branch, and flagged as either passing or failing. if it’s passing you merge and deploy. Solution that can help here are TravisCI and many others.
  5. Once you deploy, you can run what you call “regression” using uTest or some other automated service.

The key takeaways for you should be

  1. Move fast
  2. Ship often and early
  3. Run tests automatically and as close to the change as possible

I really just scratched the surface here, hope this helps.

solved Is it feasible for a start-up of two developers to do full automated regression testing without manual testing? [closed]