[Solved] Getting a C++ program to write to a file [closed]

It sounds like you’re saying you’re printing numbers to stdout and they’re going off the screen. Since you’re using C++ you can replace cout in your output instructions with an ofstream (output file stream) like so: #include <fstream> // … ofstream outFile(“myNums.txt”); // … outFile << myNum; An easier way if you already have the … Read more

[Solved] Making a terminal executable file that changes the date on your Mac [closed]

You can change the date of the mac using the following command from the terminal. date -u {month}{day}{hour}{minute}{year} Replaced bracket with a two digit number. To set, October 16th 2020 21:16 would become the following command: date 1016211620 Or you can create apple script to do it: set ntpdPID to do shell script “systemsetup -getusingnetworktime; … Read more

[Solved] Execute python script while open terminal

The fish-shell was new to me, so I read the documentation – something I really recommend. Look for the title “Initialisation Files“: http://fishshell.com/docs/current/index.html#initialization So it looked like you call your python scripts from ~/.config/fish/config.fish So I installed fish on my Macbook and I had to create the config.fish file. In that I just placed: ~/gash.py … Read more

[Solved] How can we make jquery terminal screen adjustable?

You can create jQuery Terminal inside jQuery UI dialog or maybe use resizable from jQuery UI <div class=”wrapper”> <div class=”term”></div> </div> $(‘.wrapper’).resizable(); $(‘.term’).terminal(); .wrapper { width: 400px; height: 200px; } .term { height: 100%; } codepen demo 3 solved How can we make jquery terminal screen adjustable?

[Solved] My codes work well In Dev c++ IDE, but in linux terminal, it doesn’t. (especially in the part of ‘while’ loop.) [closed]

You are most likely running into the NL/CR issue. Instead of if (a[i]==””) Use something like: if (isEmptyLine(a[i])) where bool isEmptyLine(std::string const& s) { for ( auto c : s ) { if ( !std::isspace(c) ) return false; } return true; } You can also convert the file into a file with UNIX style line … Read more

[Solved] PHP debuging printing into command line [closed]

You can write the variable into a file and “tail” that file on terminal. function writelog($msg) { file_put_contents(FILE_PATH,$msg); } You can also use error_log function instead of file_put_content. But i am not sure whether its an error message or not. On terminal just run tail -f FILE_PATH P.S. FILE_PATH is absoulte path of the file … Read more