[Solved] why my css is not working with bootstrap ?

If you’re using bower, try adding the bootstrap dependency to your bower.json file as such: “dependencies”: { “angular”: “~1.3.3”, “bootstrap”: “~3.2.0″ }, and add the following to your index.html file (<link> in head and <script> with your other script tags at the bottom): <link href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27298717/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css” rel=”stylesheet”> <script src=”bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js”></script> Don’t forget to bower install in your … Read more

[Solved] Does AngularJS have any weakness (compared to JQuery)? [closed]

First, you should must know about framework vs library, Framework: Which describes how to show your code. Its like a code-template having MVC or MVVM architecture. Examples, “AngularJS”, “Backbone”, “requireJS”, “socketIO”. Library: Its like a toolkit and/or a single file having all the utility functions which can be used to play with your DOM elements … Read more

[Solved] reloading my drop down when using a custom directive

For multiple selections with bootstrap and Angular, I would recommend AngularJS ui-select https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select rather than reinventing the wheel. See http://plnkr.co/edit/juqoNOt1z1Gb349XabQ2?p=preview <ui-select multiple ng-model=”multipleDemo.colors” theme=”select2″> <ui-select-match placeholder=”Select colors…”>{{$item}}</ui-select-match> <ui-select-choices repeat=”color in availableColors | filter:$select.search”> {{color}} </ui-select-choices> </ui-select> This is a part of a larger project with more UI elements: http://angular-ui.github.io/ solved reloading my drop down when … Read more

[Solved] Angular events, ng-click, do not work with other libraries Dojo, Knockout, KendoUI, ESRI JSAPI

Hope this helps anyone who has a similar problem – Turns out, this code was what was affecting the angular events: <!–ko if: someContext.ready() === true–> <div class=”ls-rapidReports”> <div ng-app=”myApp”> <div id=”rapidreportCtrl” ng-controller=”rrController”> <button type=”button” ng-click=”myClick()”>hehe</button> </div> </div> </div> <!–/ko–> So wrapping Angular components inside Knockout is BAD. solved Angular events, ng-click, do not work … Read more

[Solved] How to fill drop down list values using AngularJS

Here is one of possible solutions. HTML / AngularJS Code: <div ng-controller=”TheController” ng-app> Location: <select ng-model=”locationId” ng-options=”item.LocationId as item.LocationName for item in locations”></select> <br/> LocationId: {{locationId}} <br/> </div> JavaScript: function TheController($scope) { $scope.locations = [ {LocationId : 1, LocationName : ‘USA’ }, {LocationId : 2, LocationName : ‘Canada’ }, {LocationId : 3, LocationName : ‘Pakistan’ … Read more

[Solved] How to access property of JavaScript object, given string with property’s name

Let’s look at the code you’re trying to use: $http.get( ‘url’ ) .success(function(data) { var response = angular.fromJson(data); var mobilereceiver=”0147852369″; var messageId = response.ok.mobilereciever; }); You’re very close, in that you recognize that your string mobilereceiver holds the value that needs to be provided as the name of the final property. However, on your last … Read more

[Solved] View is getting initialized again and again

You need to familiarize yourself with the concept of a digest loop in Angular. In short, every time a digest loop runs, all expressions, e.g. {{name}} or ng-show=”isActive && isEnabled”, that are being “$watched” by Angular are evaluated (sometimes more than once). This means that if you are invoking a function inside an expression: <div … Read more

[Solved] forEach in angular

I resolved the problem with your hints.This is my working code. vm.filtrarInc = function (Id_Fechamento) { id_fechamento = Id_Fechamento; $scope.$parent.vm.loading = $http({ method: ‘POST’, async: false, url: _obterUrlAPI() + “AcompanhamentoSilt/FiltroSiltInc”, dataType: “jsonp”, params: { Id_Fechamento: Id_Fechamento } }) .then(function successCallback(response) { vm.importacaoResultado = response.data; angular.forEach(vm.importacaoResultado, function(filtro, index) { if (filtro.FLG_ALERTA == true) { vm.importacaoSiltInc.push(filtro); } … Read more

[Solved] implementing advertisement directive in angular js

app.directive(‘navBannerTop’, [‘NavBannerServiceTop’,’$rootScope’, function (nbs,$window) { return { restrict: ‘E’, //scope: true, scope: {}, template:’ <div><a href= “https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37075201/{{banner_link}}” target=”_blank”> <img ng-src=”{{zentieraUrl}}/assets/images/adBanner/{{banner_pic_url}}”></a></div>’, link: function ($scope,$element,$attr,$rootScope) { var imagePosition=$attr.imageposition; nbs.getImage(imagePosition).then(function(result){ $scope.banner_pic_url = result.data.banner; }); } }; }]); Finally I have solved the problem. First I create a directive. In that directive, I returned a template. The directive uses … Read more

[Solved] how to properly use recursive function to go through multiple nested objects

Change your data to this: $scope.subjectAreas = [{ name: “Area-1”, link: “dashboards.dashboard_1”, entities: [{ name: ‘entities’, entities: [{ name: “entity 1” }, { name: “entity 2” }] }, { name: ‘offerings’, entities: [{ name: “offering 1” }, { name: “offering 2” }] }] }, { name: “Area-2”, link: “dashboards.dashboard_1”, entities: [{ name: “entity 3” }], … Read more

[Solved] $scope.myFunc() is not a function

Because the function does not exist on $scope. This is what you need to do: $scope.gridLocation = function (row, column) { return ‘span’.concat(row).concat(column); }; $scope.clickedOn = function (row, column) { $scope.gridLocation(row, column); }; Edit To do what you asked for in the comments (I hope I understood correctly): $scope.clickedOn = function (row, column) { $scope[$scope.gridLocation(row, … Read more

[Solved] Unable to bind some data between components?

To achieve what you need with the same architecture you can use the $rootScope to pass the data between your controllers. Here is the updated code : (function(angular) { ‘use strict’; function someOtherTabPageController($scope,$rootScope) { var ctrl = this; //do some work with the passingObject alert($rootScope.passingObject); } angular.module(‘heroApp’).component(‘someOtherTabPage’, { templateUrl: ‘someOtherTabPage.html’, controller: someOtherTabPageController, bindings :{ passingObject: … Read more