[Solved] How to get range index value from given number [closed]
Try let rangeValue = Array(30 … 400) rangeValue[7] 0 solved How to get range index value from given number [closed]
Try let rangeValue = Array(30 … 400) rangeValue[7] 0 solved How to get range index value from given number [closed]
more is a unix command to display the contents of a file, paginated. It has nothing to do with Java. solved more syntax in Java [closed]
Try this user defined function. It is quite versatile. It will take for input hard-coded strings, single cell, cell ranges, arrays, or any mixture of them. Blanks will be ignored. See the photo for outputs. Public Function TJoin(Sep As String, ParamArray TxtRng() As Variant) As String On Error Resume Next ‘Sep is the separator, set … Read more
In C, double has at least as much precision as, and usually more than, float, and has at least the exponent range of, and usually more than, float. The C standard only requires that double be able to represent all the values of float: “The set of values of the type float is a subset … Read more
First, make two lists from your database. Something like: cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(“SELECT * FROM traffic”) #Retrieves data from SQL rows = cursor.fetchall() Month = list() Traffic = list() for row in rows: Month.append(row[‘Month’]) # guesswork – what does a row look like? Traffic.append(row[‘Traffic’]) Then, now you have two python lists, you can make a … Read more
Yes, it matters. The arguments must be given in the order the function expects them. C passes arguments by value. It has no way of associating a value with an argument other than by position. The names you use in the arguments passed to the function are irrelevant. C does not examine the argument names … Read more
What’s the expected output of 12.3 % 4.2 ? If you have an answer for that, you also have to roll your own implementation, built in operator% works for integer types only. If you are fine with that, but your arguments happen to be floating point values, round/floow/ceil/cast them. e.g: static_cast<uint64_t>(double_value); solved invalid operands of … Read more
>>> list1 = [‘1234′,’3456′,’2345′,’5543′,’1344′,’5679′,’6433′,’3243′,’0089’] >>> print(‘,’.join([“‘{0}'”.format(s) for s in list1])) ‘1234’,’3456′,’2345′,’5543′,’1344′,’5679′,’6433′,’3243′,’0089′ 1 solved Coverting a python list into string with comma separated in efficient way [closed]
The most likely explanation is that you have a bug in your Java application that is causing it to leak file open files. The way to avoid the problem is to write your code so that file handles are always closed; e.g. // Using the ‘try with resource’ construct try (Reader r = new FileReader(…)) … Read more
If you want to reverse an array, just use array_reverse. $myArray = array_reverse($myArray); Result: array ( [0] => Fourth [1] => Third [2] => Second [3] => First ) 0 solved Reorder array but don’t change keys
I solved using Generics in this way in the BaseFactory: public T Create<T>() { return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), this); } then my DerivedFactory is simply this: namespace FunzIA.DL.Factory { public class SocietyFactory : BaseFactory {} } so i can write Society actual = SocietyFactory.InitCreation() .WithCode(idExpected) .Create<Societa>(); solved Create a base fluent ordered constructor
You want a textarea to display the contents of logs.php, and update every 2 seconds. I think this should do it: <script> $(document).ready(function(e) { $.ajaxSetup({cache:false}); setInterval(function() { $.get(‘logs.php’, function(data) { $(‘#chatlogs’).text(data); }); }, 2000); }); </script> <textarea name=”” id=”chatlogs” style=”width:100px; height:100px”></textarea> Note you also need to add id=”chatlogs” to your textarea for this to work. … Read more
This should do it. What it does is that it gets a string to look at, gets a character to look at, iterates through the string looking for matches, counts the number of matches, and then returns the information. There are more elegant ways to do this (for example, using a regex matcher would also … Read more
all you need is a credit card, your appication’s .APK file and 2 screenshot of app then follow these instructions Publish Your Andriod App in Play store Cheers……….. solved How to export apk for publich google play store in eclipse [duplicate]
If you don’t have a private key. You can’t decrypt. If you don’t have an encryption method and don’t have a key. You super can’t decrypt. There’s no method to figure out what encryption was used. And even if you did know unless it was md5 (I can tell by looking it isn’t) or something … Read more