[Solved] Is There a Difference Between Taxonomies and Categories?

Taxonomies, as previously described are a collective noun for the following category post_tag post_format link_category custom taxonomy The first four are built-in taxonomies, while custom taxonomies are taxonomies that are manually created by the user with register_taxonomy. Custom Taxonomies can be hierarchical (like the build-in taxonomy category) or not (like post tags) The categories and … Read more

[Solved] java script newline replacement

Instead of logging the result of each character, concatenate them to a result variable, and then output that, once: var puzzle = [0x3c, 0x62, 0x75, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x3d, 0x27, 0x6a, 0x61, 0x76, 0x61, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x70, 0x74, 0x3a, 0x69, 0x66, 0x20, 0x28, 0x64, … Read more

[Solved] How do I use the Trim Function

Indexer C# uses the square bracket[] to access element of an indexer instead of parentheses() Event Handler AddHandler and AddressOf are both VB keyword. In order to add an handler to an event, use the += operator with the event as left operand and handler as the right operand. protected void ButtonSetup(DataRow row, Button button) … Read more

[Solved] How to: Easily Move a WordPress Install from Development to Production?

@Insanity5902: Deployment of a WordPress site from one box to another has been a PITA since day one I started working with WordPress. (Truth-be-told it was a PITA with Drupal for 2 years before I started with WordPress so the problem is certainly not exclusively with WordPress.) It bothered me that every time I needed … Read more

[Solved] Swift Version 2 Bool [closed]

Boolean values in Swift are true and false, YES and NO is used in Objective C. So in your stopRunning method for instance, you should write: @IBAction func stopRunnng(sender: UIButton) { tmrRun invalidate() btnGo.userInteractionEnabled = true btnStop.userInteractionEnabled = false sliSpeed.userInteractionEnabled = true } (sidenote, you don’t need the ; in Swift either) About the void … Read more

[Solved] Permalinks: custom post type -> custom taxonomy -> post

First, register your taxonomy and set the slug argument of rewrite to shows: register_taxonomy( ‘show_category’, ‘show’, array( ‘rewrite’ => array( ‘slug’ => ‘shows’, ‘with_front’ => false ), // your other args… ) ); Next, register your post type and set the slug to shows/%show_category%, and set has_archive argument to shows: register_post_type( ‘show’, array( ‘rewrite’ => … Read more

[Solved] what is a read() in c language [closed]

There exists no function called read() in the C language. This function is a common non-standard extension used by some specific operative systems, such as Unix and MS DOS. They implemented it in compiler- and system-specific ways. Later on, the function became standardized with POSIX version of the function. It would seem that your code … Read more

[Solved] Menu items description? Custom Walker for wp_nav_menu()

You need a custom walker for the nav menu. Basically, you add a parameter ‘walker’ to the wp_nav_menu() options and call an instance of an enhanced class: wp_nav_menu( array ( ‘menu’ => ‘main-menu’, ‘container’ => FALSE, ‘container_id’ => FALSE, ‘menu_class’ => ”, ‘menu_id’ => FALSE, ‘depth’ => 1, ‘walker’ => new Description_Walker ) ); The … Read more

[Solved] Error in setting up and cleaning a dataframe R

Let’s simply read and think about the error message: Error: variable ‘dummygen’ was fitted with type “numeric” but type “factor” was supplied This error occurs after the line: ooslogit <- predict.glm(logit, newlogit, se.fit=TRUE) (Presumably, at least, because you’re question isn’t very clear about this and provides lots of code that doesn’t seem related.) So R … Read more

[Solved] My custom terrain generation plugin instantiates to much prefabs

Firstly, change your 25 lines of Instantiation to this: for (int i = -2; i< 3; i++) { for (int j = -2; j < 3; j++) { Instantiate(terrains[Random.Range(0,terrains.length)], Vector3(j*50, 0, i*50), Quaternion.identity); } } Secondly, you already have the gameobject in this call, so don’t use GameObject.Find() //it’s expensive So assuming the object that … Read more

[Solved] Converting ODataModel into JSON Model

As your code seems really unclear, here’s a pointer on how you could implement it: You read the OData response into a JSONModel: var oModel2 = new sap.ui.odata.ODataModel(); var oODataJSONModelDLSet = new sap.ui.json.JSONModel(); this.getView().setModel(oODataJSONModelDLSet, “jsonmodel”); // etc oModel2.read(“/SEARCH_DLSet” + filterString, null, null, false, function (oData, oResponse) { oODataJSONModelDLSet.setData({ DLSet: oData }); }); …you then bind … Read more