[Solved] WordPress wp_nav_menu within iFrame

To get a working nav menu WordPress needs to be set up complete. My suggestion is to use add_feed(). Ignore the name, you get text/html as output. Let’s start with code <?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- /* Plugin Name: T5 Iframe Nav Menu Description: Display a nav menu in an iframe. Version: 2012.05.18 Refresh … Read more

[Solved] show only a given level in nav menu

You need to extend Walker_Nav_Menu in such a way that it only outputs, if I understand you, items that are not “zero” depth– top level. class my_extended_walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args ) { if (0 !== $depth) { parent::start_lvl($output, $depth, $args); } } function end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) { if (0 !== $depth) … Read more

[Solved] Menu items description? Custom Walker for wp_nav_menu()

You need a custom walker for the nav menu. Basically, you add a parameter ‘walker’ to the wp_nav_menu() options and call an instance of an enhanced class: wp_nav_menu( array ( ‘menu’ => ‘main-menu’, ‘container’ => FALSE, ‘container_id’ => FALSE, ‘menu_class’ => ”, ‘menu_id’ => FALSE, ‘depth’ => 1, ‘walker’ => new Description_Walker ) ); The … Read more