[Solved] java primitive type array object or not?

In Java you only have primitive or references to objects.* int[] arr = { 1, 2 }; int i = arr[0]; assert arr instanceof Object; // true arr is a reference to an array which has int as a element. how it was achieved? int[] has it’s own class int[].class and your arr is an … Read more

[Solved] c# string manipulation add * for plain word

some how I achieved it in lengthy way …Not sure if any shortcut is there to achieve… var keywords_updated = (keywords.Replace(” “, “* “)); keywords_updated = keywords_updated.EndsWith(““) ? keywords_updated : keywords_updated + ““; MatchCollection col = Regex.Matches(keywords, “\\”(.?)\\””);//Regex.Matches(keywords, “(?<=\”)[^\”](?=\”)|[^\” ]+”); var data = col.Cast().Select(m => m.Value).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(data.Count); foreach (var item in data) { keywords_updated = … Read more

[Solved] How can i save Battery power using in writing app

By taking steps such as disabling background service updates when you lose connectivity, or reducing the rate of such updates when the battery level is low, you can ensure that the impact of your app on battery life is minimized, without compromising the user experience.For more take a look here. Check which part of your … Read more

[Solved] Polymorphism java 8

public int h = 44; public int getH() { System.out.println(“Beta “+h); // print line 1 return h; } public static void main(String[] args) { Baap b = new Beta(); System.out.println(b.h+” “+b.getH()); // print line 2 Beta bb = (Beta) b; System.out.println(bb.h+” “+bb.getH()); // print line 3 } In your first print statement in your main … Read more

[Solved] Who invented the switch statement? [closed]

Lisp has cond which Wikipedia’s source places in the 1956-1958 timeframe. I invented conditional expressions in connection with a set of chess legal move routines I wrote in FORTRAN for the IBM 704 at M.I.T. during 1957-58…A paper defining conditional expressions and proposing their use in Algol was sent to the Communications of the ACM … Read more

[Solved] Using std::sort to sort an array of C strings

std::sort: The comparison object expected by it has to return ​true if the first argument is less than (i.e. is ordered before) the second. strcmp, the function you provided has another return convention: Negative value if lhs is less than rhs. ​0​ if lhs is equal to rhs. Positive value if lhs is greater than … Read more

[Solved] Swift – Create charts(bar, line, pie, column) programatically [closed]

After you look into documentation for charts a bit more, you would probably for example if you make a line chart LineChartView() you can have different update functions to change how it looks, for example here is one of mine: func lineChartUpdate(dataPoints: [String], values: [Double]) { //Graph data management var lineChartEntry = [ChartDataEntry]() for i … Read more

[Solved] Checkout table not rendering properly on front end

The reason is your updateQuantity is having the productRow being defined such as: var productRow = (quantityInput) .parent() .parent(); var price = parseFloat(productRow.children(“.product-price-l3”).text()); Which in turn make the price unable to be defined properly. If you change them into: var productRow = $(quantityInput).parent().parent(); it would work. Also if you want to give space between h1 … Read more