[Solved] Use long** instead of char** in C main argument

I tested this on the server (I AM NOT ABLE TO RUN THIS CODE ON MY MACHINE). And apparently, the parameter a is stored in stack like char. If I am calling my program like this ./a 12345678 and print out *a[1] as long in hex format, I got the value 0x3837363534333231 I will say … Read more

[Solved] Insert html after certain amount of posts?

You could use the following and it should do exactly what you want by checking the value of $loop->current_post. <?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘work’,’posts_per_page’ => ‘-1’ ) ); ?> <ul id=”carousel”> <li> <ul class=”inner-items”> <?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?> <?php if( $loop->current_post && !($loop->current_post % 6) ) : … Read more

[Solved] Confused about output in student project

Let me ruin it for you… Your basic logic seems both sound and overly complex at the same time. Here is some input: You defined a lot of methods for tasks that already exist. Always assume that Ruby has you covered, for any task you need – even if you’re wrong, searching through the documentation … Read more

[Solved] Multiple ternary operators and evaluating int as boolean mystery [closed]

Why does any combination of true and false return the value it does? There is no combination of any boolean here. This ?: operator returns first or second expression, not the condition itself. condition ? first_expression : second_expression; The condition must evaluate to true or false. If condition is true, first_expression is evaluated and becomes … Read more

[Solved] C++ does not name a type error in Codeblocks [duplicate]

You can’t put arbitrary statements at the file scope in C++, you need to put them in a function. #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <streambuf> #include <sstream> int main () { //These are now local variables std::ifstream t(“C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts-backup.txt”); std::stringstream buffer; //We can write expression statements because we’re in a function buffer << t.rdbuf(); } 4 … Read more

[Solved] Express.js app entry point

It’s not clear from the code fragments in your question where the problem, because I think you’ve omitted the place where you import the auth.route.js module. The answer that follows assumes that you actually import auth.route.js in the index.js file, probably before importing middleware/auth (which isn’t actually used in the code fragment you posted). So, … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t `bar` in this code have static storage duration?

You are confusing the scope of a variable with the storage duration. As mentioned in the C11 standard, chapter §6.2.1, Scopes of identifiers, for file scope […] If the declarator or type specifier that declares the identifier appears outside of any block or list of parameters, the identifier has file scope, which terminates at the … Read more

[Solved] Always redirect me to admin.php [closed]

Sending something to the browser with echo”Your Login Name or Password is invalid”; does not make any sense before calling header(“location: invalid.html”); because you can’t send header information after you send payload. You should remove the echo-Line or the redirect will not work. In addition to that, session_register() is deprecated by PHP 5.3 and got … Read more

[Solved] need help for a function in php

The issue with your script is <?php> However, you can make it shorter by, using range() to create an array of all integers from 0 to 500, then array_sum() to calculate the sum, then subtract 42. echo array_sum( range(0,500) ) – 42; https://eval.in/518979 0 solved need help for a function in php

[Solved] Node DOM manipulation on the page after a POST

I finally did this. You put both pages inside the one page. The two contents go to separate divs. Then you use something like this code: <script> document.querySelector(‘.div2’).style.display = “none”; document.querySelector(‘form’).addEventListener(“submit”, function(e){ document.querySelector(‘.div1’).style.display = “none”; document.querySelector(‘.div2’).style.display = “block”; }); </script> solved Node DOM manipulation on the page after a POST

[Solved] Python: max & min functions

As per the ASCII table Capital letters points to decimal 65 to 90 (65-90 → A-Z ) Small letters points to decimal 97-122 (97-122 → a-z) so, max value = o (decimal 111) min value = W (decimal 87) ASCII table for your reference 1 solved Python: max & min functions