[Solved] C++ vulnerability issue with pointers

a=b; After this assignment a points to the same location as b (“Secure Coding”). You have lost any reference to the initial location pointed by a, so essentially “Insecure Coding” is garbage that cannot be freed. Another issue is that you are freeing the same pointer twice. After the first free you no longer own … Read more

[Solved] How to release memory in objective-c?

For screenshot #2 it looks like you’re not releasing the CGImageRef object. For this, to clean this up you should use: CGImageRelease(image); …when you’re done using the CGImageRef. More info on this (and how it differs from CFRelease) can be found at this question: Releasing CGImage (CGImageRef) Mind you, even if you’re using ARC you … Read more

[Solved] Why is this segfaulting? Can someone explain the valgrind error?

Valgrind says that the illegal write is occurring at Address 0x6172676f72502074. If you look at that address as ASCII characters, it’s: argorP t, or converting from little endian: t Progra. This looks like part of one of your menu items, “9. Abort Program”. Maybe the bug is that menu_init() is writing past the end of … Read more

[Solved] Is there any code snippet demonstrate the harm of memory leak or fogeting free memory malloced [closed]

Okay I will explain the problem. Computers has limited memory ( modern personal one has about 8 Gigabytes). Operating systems and apps need the memory so their code can be loaded into it and executed by the CPU. Modern systems split the memory into equally sized chunks called pages, the actual page size differs from … Read more

[Solved] When will objects allocated on a thread be freed after the thread completes? [closed]

The simple answer is eventually: no sooner, no later. You have no direct control over when garbage will be collected. Provided the instance has no more references to it, the garbage collector will clean it up at some point. 4 solved When will objects allocated on a thread be freed after the thread completes? [closed]

[Solved] Memory Leak in Struct C++ [closed]

First, your code won’t compile with the stray “struct” in there. Deleting that, we can answer your question: it depends how the parameter was allocated, but in any case you should only do it once. int main() { int a[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; int i = 42; int* pi1 = &i; int* … Read more

[Solved] How can i free memory in C++/C? When would i write free(a);? Function is returing pointer

A function that returns an allocated pointer means that ownership of that memory is being transferred to the caller of that function. It is up to the code that receives the returned pointer to deallocate the memory. While using malloc() and free() in C++ is not entirely without precedent, it should generally be avoided. You … Read more

[Solved] Does under-utilized memory cause memory leak?

In fact these two statements char buffer[32]; strncpy(buffer,uk,sizeof(buffer)); are fully equivalent to the following declaration char buffer[32] = “ln”; It is a valid declaration and there is no bug or memory leak.:) In the both cases all elements of buffer that were not initialized by the string literal’s characters (or by copying of its characters) … Read more

[Solved] memory leak in c++ and how to fix it

The “best”™ solution is to not use pointers at all, as then there’s no dynamic allocation that you can forget to delete. For your case it includes a few rather minor changes to make it work. First of all I recommend you create a Song constructor taking all needed values as arguments, then it becomes … Read more