[Solved] How can I use combobox with wpf mvvm

Your code in LocationFilter make no sense at all. ParticularEntries.Select(pg => pg.Region.Location == _selectedLocation); It returns an IEnumerable<bool> but it is never assigned. If you want to filter, you have to use Where. But even if you change your code to ParticularEntries = ParticularEntries.Where(pg => pg.Region.Location == _selectedLocation); you will see a change, but you … Read more

[Solved] Node.js node_modules?

Node.js node_module` is heaviest object Because of the dependency of EVERY single npm module you have install, it will be download all dependency and store into your node_modules folder. Let have a simple example here. You have a npm module module A which dependent on module B. Therefore the structure of your node_modules folder will … Read more

[Solved] logic help for smallest/largest value

You need to choose a standard unit of measure. The question suggests meters, so use that (you can use float or double for this, depending on what precision you need). The problem is then simple, create some variables for the sum, smallest seen, and largest seen, the for each new input, convert to the standard … Read more

[Solved] Print numbers in columns c++

I want to print a string array containing numbers organized in columns. The array contains {“2″,”1″,”3″,”16″,”8″,”3″,”4″,”1″,”2”} I want to print them in this form 2 16 4 1 8 1 3 3 2 For the the given code of yours, you can do following changes to achieve the result. Find the array length using sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr);. … Read more

[Solved] Is it somehow possible to check if points `x` and `y` is in a line when only the y-intercept and the slope is given? [closed]

Yes, it is possible, however, this has nothing to do with programming and is more of a mathematical question. (I would recommend going here https://math.stackexchange.com/) Solving this using basic Algebra, given the slope and y-intercept we can check if a point is on a line by substituting the x and y values. For example, if … Read more

[Solved] How can the current time be used as a conditional value in php?

Try this $time = strtotime(“now”); // You will get the current time in UNIX timestamp.. if(($time%2)==0){ header (‘Location: http://www.misitio1.com’); }else{ header (‘Location: http://www.misitio2.com’); } If you want to work on the value of the current hour or minute, $hr = date(“H”); //Change it depending on your wish, 12 hr or 24 hr time. This will … Read more

[Solved] A closed range can never be empty, Why?

A Closed Range contains both its lower bound and its upper bound. So even if you wrote: let someRange = 0…0 It still contains one element: 0. How would you attempt write an empty range? let someRange = … ?? That doesn’t make much sense, and if you specify either the upper or lower bound, … Read more

[Solved] Tkinter Function attached to Button executed immediately [duplicate]

The solution is to pass the function as a lambda: from Tkinter import * root =Tk() def callback(parameter): print parameter button = Button(root, text=”Button”, command=lambda: callback(1)) button.pack() root.mainloop() Also, as @nbro already correctly pointed out, the button attribute is command, not function. 1 solved Tkinter Function attached to Button executed immediately [duplicate]

[Solved] How do I calculate sine/cosine/tangent from CORDIC, Taylor Series, or alternative in Python?

The Taylor series for the sin function is straightforward to implement. Note that any reference which gives a Taylor series for a trigonometric function will assume the input is in radians, unless specified otherwise. PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383 def sin_taylor_series(x, terms=9): # map x into the range -PI/2 to PI/2 for greatest accuracy x %= 2*PI … Read more

[Solved] C# how to check if var contains constructor Params

how do i print instead of nothing – “unknown”? You can use the null-coalescing operator public string DogsOverall() { return $”Name {Name ?? “unknown”}, sex{Sex ?? “unknown”}, fathers name is {Father ?? “unknown”}, mothers name is {Mother ?? “unknown”}”; } solved C# how to check if var contains constructor Params

[Solved] How bootstrap decide what should be made?

Bootstrapping does not depend on the stacks you’re deploying, it’s the same for everyone by default. You can specify your own template, but that’s for advanced usage. The documentation lays out the purposes of bootstrapping pretty clearly: Deploying AWS CDK apps into an AWS environment (a combination of an AWS account and region) may require … Read more

[Solved] How to tell if a video is HDR or not in Swift?

Simple and precise: var isHdrVideo = false let pVideoTrack = AVAsset(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: assetURL!)) if #available(iOS 14.0, *) { let tracks = pVideoTrack.tracks(withMediaCharacteristic: .containsHDRVideo) for track in tracks{ isHdrVideo = track.hasMediaCharacteristic(.containsHDRVideo) if(isHdrVideo){ break } } } solved How to tell if a video is HDR or not in Swift?

[Solved] Minimal Hosting Model: Exited from Program.Main with exit code = ‘0’

The error messages aren’t terribly intuitive, but this error essentially means that the application ran, and then immediately exited. A common cause of this is when you neglect to add the Run() command at the end of the Program: app.Run(); Background This is easy to miss if you’re focused on migrating your ConfigureServices() and Configure() … Read more