[Solved] How can the current time be used as a conditional value in php?

Try this

$time = strtotime("now"); // You will get the current time in UNIX timestamp..

    header ('Location: http://www.misitio1.com'); 
    header ('Location: http://www.misitio2.com'); 

If you want to work on the value of the current hour or minute,

$hr = date("H"); //Change it depending on your wish, 12 hr or 24 hr time. This will return 24 hr time.
$min = date("i");

if((($hr%2)==0) || (($min%2)==0)){ //You can add condition as per your requirment
    header ('Location: http://www.misitio1.com'); 
    header ('Location: http://www.misitio2.com'); 


solved How can the current time be used as a conditional value in php?