[Solved] How can I calculate the mid-point between two dates in php [closed]

I have found a way for this – $daysDiff = diffDateTime($StartDate, $EndDate); $midDaysDiff = round($daysDiff[‘days’]/2); $midDate = strtotime(date(“m/d/Y”, strtotime($StartDate)) . “+ $midDaysDiff Days”); function diffDateTime($StartDate, $EndDate) { // returns diff between two dates in days… } solved How can I calculate the mid-point between two dates in php [closed]

[Solved] A toggle button on and off for markers in google maps react

As you already have handleToggle1 function setting the isMarkerVisible flag then on render() you can have this: render() { const markers = this.state.isMarkerVisible ? this.props.policeCall : [] … <your code> return <div> … <your code> {markers.map(({ A, B, M, N, L,O }) => { return ( <Marker onClick={this.onMarkerClick} name={A} info={B} priority={L} position={{ lat: M, lng: … Read more

[Solved] Programming with C# console application

It takes an input string (input), splits it on the space character (input.Split(‘ ‘)) (presumably to get the number of “words”), adds 1 to the .Length of the resulting array (not sure why), converts that number to a binary string (Convert.ToString(int, 2) will convert the int to a base-2 number and return it as a … Read more

[Solved] get value/charts in another workbooks without opening it

I finally used these lines of code Arg = “‘” & Path & “[” & File & “]” & Sheet & “‘!” & “R4C4” ‘Range(Ref.Range(“A1”).Address(, , xlR1C1))C ‘Execute XLM macro GetValue = ExecuteExcel4Macro(Arg) Way more simple with some loops. solved get value/charts in another workbooks without opening it

[Solved] Swift count time untill button is pressed [closed]

You can create a timer fileprivate var timer: Timer? var seconds: Int = 0 func runTimer() { timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: (#selector(ViewController.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) } func updateTimer() { seconds += 1 } Now its just a matter on when you start the timer. Options : viewDidLoad , viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear Then … Read more

[Solved] Is mysql count(*) much less efficient than count(specific_field)? [duplicate]

For InnoDB If specific_field is not nullable, they are equivalent and have the same performance. If specific_field is nullable, they don’t do the same thing. COUNT(specific_field) counts the rows which have a not null value of specific_field. This requires looking at the value of specific_field for each row. COUNT(*) simply counts the number of rows … Read more

[Solved] Why no error is thrown in compilation? [closed]

Can this be a way to initialize an array without declaring its size? No. All int *a; does, if defining a pointer to int, which, as not being initialised, points somewhere, “nowhere”, to “invalid” memory. Any invocation of the []-operator on a, without beforehand having made a point to any valid memory (as for example … Read more

[Solved] Min/Max Values of an Array

Methods: public static int getMax(int[] a) and public static int getMin(int[] a) have int[] as their input parameter, but they are later called without any parameters: arr.getMax(); and arr.getMin();. This is the cause of the error you are getting from the compiler. EDIT: You probably want to modify your methods not to be static and … Read more