[Solved] How to check first 200 chekboxes , then next 200 and so on?

This is the working eg of first 3 and next 3 check boxes, but as suggestion please don’t have these many check boxes, the user experience is very bad in this case. $(document).ready(function() { var $cbs = $(‘input:checkbox’), $links = $(“a”); $links.click(function() { var start = $links.index(this) * 3, end = start + 3; $cbs.slice(start,end).prop(“checked”,true); … Read more

[Solved] split string into several substring using indexes

You can use substr() as an lvalue and start replacing the string from right side of it, my $string = ‘GATGCAGTTAGGCGTAGCAGAGTGAGACGACGACGATATTAGGACCCGGTAAGGCACAATATAGC’; my %coord_colors = ( 10 => “red”, 48 => “orange”, 60 => “purple”, ); substr($string,$_,0) = $coord_colors{$_} for sort { $b <=> $a } keys %coord_colors; print $string; output GATGCAGTTAredGGCGTAGCAGAGTGAGACGACGACGATATTAGGACCCGorangeGTAAGGCACAATpurpleATAGC using regex, $string =~ … Read more

[Solved] Got a very strange syntax error in java

With the commented-out code uncommented, you’re trying to declare a constructor directly within a method. You can’t do that in Java. // You can’t do this buttonPlay.addListener(new ClickListener(){ // 1 public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { // 2 public GameScreen(Create create) { // 3 this.create = create; // 3 } // 3 … Read more

[Solved] What does this Notepad code do and how does it work?

I’m not familiar with Notepad code, but this looks like almost any batch file. Assuming that assumption is accurate, the first line verifies the date. If it does not equal 2015/8/27 execution will jump to the “exit” label, after which the process will terminate. If, on the other hand, the date matches then it will … Read more

[Solved] Why we should use the mysqli_real_escape_string() and the stripslashes() functions in a login and register php files

Using these functions makes your site less vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, where an attacker puts SQL syntax into a form field to compromise your site. mysqli_real_escape_string() “escapes” special characters so that MySQL interprets them as literal string characters rather than operators in the query. These functions only affect characters that are important to SQL … Read more

[Solved] Two type of Login – One System Integrate (MVC)

Have different roles for each user type. Also have two different master page, one for administration one for users. All your administration related modules must use administration master page (this will have all administration related menus) and general user module must use user master page. After login according to their role type redirect to respective … Read more

[Solved] class->methode1()->methode2() what does it mean? [closed]

class->methode1() returns a pointet to an object that provides a method methode2 you can call immediately. By doing this you create anonymous objects (rvalues if I am not wrong) and you call methods on those objects. You cannl actually say class2 = class1->methode(); and then call class2->methode2(); to achieve the same. (pseudo-code) 5 solved class->methode1()->methode2() … Read more

[Solved] the advantage of reading open source code [closed]

Well, many of the bigger open source projects are collaborations between many people: Thus you do have a chance of finding a project written by good developers, and therefore improve your own coding style. Of course, it all depends if you actually memorise the stuff you read or not – But I guess you wouldn’t … Read more