[Solved] Survival analysis [closed]

This should solve your problem: mod <- survreg((Surv(as.numeric(Time), event=Status)) ~ Prison+Dose+Clinic, data = meth, dist = “lognormal”) as you reported to me that: names(meth) # [1] “ID” “Clinic” “Status” “Time” “Prison” “Dose” Note, it is Time, not time; Also, it is Status, not status. In fact, all variables names start with a capital letter! 5 … Read more

[Solved] Associative array index as variable

Try foreach ($array1 as $index => $arr1) {…} foreach ($array1 as $key1 => $val1 ) { foreach ($array2 as $key2 => $val2) { echo $arr2[$arr2[$key1][$key2]]; } } 0 solved Associative array index as variable

[Solved] How to add a row to non-unique table class using jquery

Try to use the filter() function. $(‘table.yourclass’).filter(‘:first’) // first of matched tables $(‘table.yourclass’).filter(‘:last’) // last of matched tables $(‘table.yourclass’).filter(‘:eq(2)’) // 3rd matched table http://api.jquery.com/filter/ 1 solved How to add a row to non-unique table class using jquery

[Solved] jQuery if element is visible, what am I doing wrong?

You don’t need that if at all; and you are not using it right as described in the answer of @SLaks. Why won’t you assign functions to an invisible element? I guess we should do that, so I think this is what you want: http://jsfiddle.net/balintbako/yuAhb/1/ $(‘button.nav-mobile-switch’).click(function () { $(this).hide(); $(‘ul.site-nav.actual-navigation’).show(); return false; }); $(document).click(function () … Read more

[Solved] How to use non-online images in CSS?

If, for example, your image is in the directory images/image.png, relative to the HTML file You would use <img src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17406396/images/image.png” />. This will work both online and locally. 0 solved How to use non-online images in CSS?

[Solved] Iteration of an integer

You could just use simple math in Java. Example: int peopleAmount = 3; int money = peopleAmount * 5; System.out.println(money); //Would print 15 This example would calculate the money I would need if I give 3 people each 5$. You can easily adapt that example. I know it can be hard to learn a programming … Read more

[Solved] Range of linked lists [closed]

Your linked list declaration is wrong. You don’t use [] when creating a new object in java. Instead you use (). And your generic type is also wrong -> if you want to have more linked lists inside the main linked list. Try this LinkedList<LinkedList> LK = new LinkedList<>(); Note – The part inside <> … Read more

[Solved] Python: AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘readlines’

In order to give a good answer to jill1993’s question and take the MosesKoledoye’s answer : abproject = (“C:/abproject.build”) abproject is a string object. Furthermore, you write : with open(“C:/abproject.build”, “r+”) as script So if you want to solve your script error, you have to write : with open(“C:/abproject.build”, “r+”) as script, open (“C:/tempfile.build”,”w+”) as … Read more

[Solved] Textbox into Label [closed]

Here label1 is a Label That you placed in the UI, And you are trying to assign a string value to that control. Such assignment is not valid and not permitted. Your requirement is to assign alPos as the Text property of the Label Control. So your query should be like the following: label1.Text = … Read more

[Solved] Android app crashes by switching the activity

Replace R.id.tvFeed with Framelayout’s id or default id android.R.id.content. if (savedInstanceState == null) { getFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(android.R.id.content, new PlaceholderFragment()) .commit(); } and remove the code from the onOptionsItemSelected() method. if (id == R.id.tvFeed) { return true; } solved Android app crashes by switching the activity

[Solved] How do I post multiple parameters to a URL

If I’ve understood your requirements you need to pass method as a string, then JSON encode the params object. If so, this should work for you: $.post(‘https://liceoeuroamericano.territorio.la/webservices/persona.php’, { method: ‘activateUser’, params: JSON.stringify({ auth_key: “123456”, user: “[email]”, active: “[0/1]” }) }, function(data){ console.log(‘request completed successfully’); }) 1 solved How do I post multiple parameters to a … Read more

[Solved] Stuck in infinite loop C#

The problem is your use of while loops. while(note != 1) There is nothing in the body of those loops that change that condition. So everytime the loop goes “okay… is note not equal to 1?”.. that condition is always true. So the loop executes again. solved Stuck in infinite loop C#